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do you want anything specific
for your birthday?

nah I don't need anything dw

still gonna get you something
like always🙄

you really don't need to tho

shut it

I'm having a birthday party
with friends and most of my team
do you wanna come too?

don't gotta ask that twice

it's on saturday, just come around
whenever you like

Adriana thought about a gift idea for Pablo for a long time, but she couldn't come to a conclusion. Even after scrolling through tiktok and searching for ideas, she had absolutely no clue. So the last option that was left, was asking Pedro if he had any ideas. The bad thing was, that he himself hasn't bought a gift yet as well, because of the same reason. Both came up with the opportunity to buy a present together for Pablo.

That's how Pedro and Adriana ended up in the busy streets of Barcelona on a Thursday afternoon. The past few days of the two were quite stressful, that's why they had to get something on this day, otherwise it would've been to late. Adriana had a upcoming exam, she was studying a lot for, and Pedro was busy with his career.

"I mean, shoes are always good, don't you think?" Adriana suggested. They were currently walking down the same street for the second time, not knowing what to buy.
"Right, we probably can't go really wrong with that." He agreed, and like that, they walked into a clothing store, which looked like it could fit with Pablo's style.
"These are pretty." Adriana pointed her finger on some pair of sneakers, spotting them from far away. Pedro followed her to the shoes, before agreeing with her. The shoes looked really good and Pablo might like them. At least they were similar to another pair he had and loved.
"Let's get them, maybe together with an accessory?" He said.
"That's a good idea." Adriana nodded, making her way to another section with the shoe carton in one of her hand, until she stopped. Pedro looked at the girl in front of him confused.

"I love those." She muttered, grabbing one of the sneakers, that was displayed on another shelf.
"They would look good on you." Pedro complimented her.
"Thank you." She replied with a smile on her face, before she put the single shoe back where it was.
"Why don't you get them?" He asked her as they both went to the accessories.
"I'm not feeling like buying anything besides Pablo's present." Adriana shrugged. Pedro nodded, before quickly turning his head around and looking at the shoes, Adriana liked.

After finding some gloves that looked pretty, they went to pay for everything. They weren't fitting the shoes, but he could wear them at their practice or their games when it was cold.

At the end of the day, the two treated themselves with some ice cream. Shopping was tiring after all and, especially Pedro, was in the mood for some ice cream, still thinking about the shoes Adriana didn't buy.

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