"Oh my god Rose!" I moaned as she helped me ride out my orgasm. Now I am no virgin, but she made me feel like this was my first time. My body is so sensitive, I truly have never experienced sex this good. All the energy had left my body. I wanted to keep going and return the favor, if she'd let me, but I had no strength. Rose could see how tired my body already was. "You were such a good girl for me princess," she praised as she pulled me into her. "I want to return the favor," I said breathlessly.

"Maybe another time. Right now I'm going to hold you, and you are going to rest," Rose said, kissing my forehead. She rubbed the back of my head as I nuzzled into her, soon falling asleep.

The next morning,

I heard the waves crashing onto the beach. I open my eyes to the very bright sun peering into the room. Should've closed the blinds before we fell asleep last night. I sat up and stretched, remembering what happened last night. A smile grew on my face as I looked at Rose. She was already awake and smiling at me. "Good morning," I said, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Morning princess," She wrapped me in a tight hug. We laid there, enjoying the moment before it ended. "Your eyes have changed. There's more blue in them today," Rose said, staring at my eyes.

"Yeah, they change colors all the time. They change depending on what colors I'm wearing, or what colors surround me," I explained. People have always been fascinated by my eyes. Kids in highschool used to take colored construction paper and hold them next to my face to watch my eyes change. "It just adds to your beauty. Why are they so blue now? It's not from your clothes, you're naked,"

"The bed sheets are like a baby blue. Causing my eyes to be more blue," I laughed. I sat back up and looked out the window. The ocean was calling my name. I stood up and put my bra and underwear on. "And what is it that you're doing?" Rose questioned curiously. "Going for a morning swim. Catch me if you can!" I yelled, running out the bedroom and down the stairs to the front door. I opened the front door, only to be pulled back inside and pinned against the wall. "Caught you," Rose chuckled. She went to lean in for a kiss, but I slipped underneath her arms and ran outside. "Not quite!" I laughed as I ran into the water.

I kept going deeper into the water until I was about waist high. Which really wasn't that far because I'm only 5'3. I stood still and took a deep breath, only to be interrupted by a wave crashing into me and pushing me backwards. I thought I was going to fall on my ass in the freezing water, but instead I bumped into Rose's front. "How dare you run from me," She said laughing. She snaked her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I rested my arms over hers and leaned my head back on her chest. Sometimes I forget about our height difference.

My mood turned a little sad, because I remembered that Rose is leaving today. "What's wrong baby,"

"Are you sure I can't come with you?" I asked, turning in her arms to face her. "You can't come with me," Rose replied. I tried to hold back the tears, but it didn't work. "Please don't cry," she whispered, wiping some of my tears away. "I just don't want to be away from you, I-i can't be a-away from you," I cried. "I know baby, I know. Ssshhh," she soothed, pulling me into her. "It's just not safe for you to come with me,"

"But I won't leave your side, I promise. Can't you just mask my scent too, like you do yours?"

"I can't take any chances. The smell of your blood is too strong, and most will want to drain you, especially my sister Anna. You're safer here with Beth and Zach. And someone has to watch Angie, right?"


"Speaking of, we need to head back now. So you can feed her,"

"Okay," I sighed.

Back with Beth and Zach,

I handed Rose her phone and followed her to the front door. "Ready to go make some friends?" Beth asked. "Yeah, ready to see if they're truly friends or not," Rose replied, walking outside. She threw a purple marble on the ground and stomped on it. I grabbed both her hands as she turned to face me. "I need you to come back to me as quickly as you can. Do you understand me?" I said, holding back tears. "Understood m'lady," Rose replied, kissing the back of my hand. "When you find them, they will show you to a small cabin in the woods," Beth informed Rose. Rose nodded towards Beth before kissing me. Then she turned around and walked through the portal.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published.

Please feel free to comment on anything good or bad, and make sure to vote! This lets me know if you are actually enjoying my story! Thank you!

My Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें