Return of the Gladiator

Start from the beginning

I smile as I watch them fly in their original formation before continuing my way inside.


After I had fun flying, I decided to go to the training deck to keep my fighting skills sharp. It wasn't easy choosing to fight the Gladiator again, although I did win a little quicker than the first time. But the problem is I once again felt fidgety about what I was doing, like I was feeling self-conscious about shredding something with my claws when no one is even commanding me to.

I guess I'm going to have to get used to this new part of my life. And maybe, when we start traveling through space, I just might be able to find clues about my past, before I was captured by the Galra.

Right now, I'm in the dining hall waiting for lunch to be brought in. As I sit at the table and wait patiently, I look to see the Paladins have returned from their training.

"Great job training today, guys." Shiro says as they walk in, "We're really getting the hang of Voltron."

"Seriously, how far do you think my lion kicked that broken alien ship? Must have been like a mile!" Lance brags.

"Yeah, that'll come in handy when the Galra challenges Voltron to a soccer match." Keith says sarcastically. I roll my eyes as Lance glares at him, they're starting another fight again.

"Hey, I did something cool and you can't handle it. I get it." Lance says.

"Your kick ruined our balance. We fell." Keith says as he walks away.

"That falling part was Hunk's fault."

"Hey!" Hunk says, sitting down at the table and taking off his helmet.

"All right, save your energy for fighting Zarkon." Shiro says, sighing as he takes his seat.

"So, other than that misstep, I'm guessing the training went well?" I ask, moving to sit next to Shiro on his right.

"Yeah, we're getting better. You've been training, too?" Shiro says.

"I have. I just came back from the training deck."

"Is that what you've been doing all morning? I noticed that you weren't around when we woke up." Keith says.

"Oh, no, I actually woke up early to go on a morning flight." I say.

"You were flying? Then how come we didn't see you?" Lance asks.

"Because I already went inside so I wouldn't be a distraction. In fact, I was just heading back to the Castle entrance right when you guys came out." I explain.

"Knew you couldn't keep the sky to yourself, huh?" Shiro asks with a smirk.

I chuckle, "Of course not. But that doesn't mean I don't get any fun from flying around outside as well."

Just then, from a small door at the side of the room, Coran comes walking into the dining room, holding a silver plate with a metal dome on it.

"Hello, guys!" He greets happily, "How was the Voltron workout?"

"We're getting there." Shiro says, "Are you and Allura almost done fixing the Castle so we can leave this planet? I feel like we're sitting ducks here on Arus."

"Just about." Coran answers, "In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic ancient paladin lunch!"

Coran sets the tray on the table and lifts the cover off of it, revealing a not very appetizing... food?

It looks like a large green blob with several yellow stuff that seems to be coming out of it. Just looking at it is enough to turn my stomach a bit, but the steam coming off it isn't making it any better.

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