Joohyun grumbled for the rest of the day, but she still couldn't find any words to retort.

Therefore, under Mother Chen's excessive concern, Joohyun didn't go out during the next six days of vacation. She drank chicken soup everyday and waited until the wounds on her feet healed completely before Mother Chen finally agreed to let Joohyun go back to school, otherwise she'd ask for leave for her daughter ah.

In this regard, Mother Chen said proudly, "Look, you have to rest properly to get better sooner. Your wound healed in just a few days."

This is thanks to me nourishing it with spiritual energy every day, otherwise I don't know when I'd be able to escape from your strict monitoring ah, Joohyun's heartfelt thinking.

However, because Joohyun was locked inside the house with nothing to do, Joohyun drew talismans every day, and although the Profound Strike Talisman was difficult to draw, nevertheless, she drew more than thirty in these six days of house arrest. On the last night that Joohyun was at home, she slipped out to the Lou family's small courtyard and pasted the talismans tightly on Third Young Master's bed. As soon as the air conditioner was turned on, those talismans fluttered and swayed about, appalling Lisa.

As such, Lisa's expression became very complicated. He said with a heavy sigh, "I feel like a zombie right now."

"Third Brother, don't imagine them as talismans." Joohyun suggested with good intention.

"Then, what should I imagine them to be?" Lisa curiously asked.

"Money ah, imagine that you're sleeping on a pile of banknotes, they sound just the same," when Joohyun imagined this, she became excited.

"..." Lisa's mouth twitched.

"Pfftt..." He Qi at the side couldn't hold back.

Lisa immediately raised his head and stared at him, He Qi quickly stopped smiling, not daring to squeak.

"Do the talismans have to be pasted one by one like this in order to be effective? Can't they be put aside inside a box?" Lisa asked.

"They can ah, but don't you think that it looks better this way?" Joohyun's mind automatically converted these talismans into lovely pieces of money.

The corner of Lisa's mouth twitched again. He ignored Joohyun and said to He Qi, "Go find a box to put these talismans in, put them under the bed."

"Yes!" He Qi couldn't keep his face blank anymore and went to find a box while smiling.

"So, you prefer to hide your money?" Joohyun looked like she had a realization.

Lisa was too lazy to explain, as he covered his face with his hand, wondering how he had come this far. He, Lou Third Young Master, had lived for so many years, and the only thing that he never missed was money, alright? He couldn't care less to check the money given to him from the country that was piled up in the bank. It was only once in a while when he saw some place that was hit by natural disasters on TV that he remembered about his money for giving donations.

Joohyun's major was financial management. If one wanted to know why Joohyun chose this major, it's actually very simple. Financial management ah, one look and you know that it's about managing money ah. Of course she will soon understand that the money she'd manage has nothing to do with her personally, at least not the kind of relationship she imagined. [T/N: manage others' money, like in corporation]

After finishing her classes for today, Joohyun hugged her books and went to the dorm bedroom along with her roommates, en route, they talked about how Joohyun became white.

"Irin, aren't you originally really white? If not, it would be impossible to become this white in such a short time." In just a week of not meeting each other, Joohyun's skin became one full shade whiter, even if her mask was magical, it would be impossible to get this white, okay?

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon