Lisa's breath slowed down. He took the cotton ball to help Joohyun clean her wound, but Joohyun couldn't help but twitch a little when the alcohol touched it. She secretly complained, How can cleaning wounds hurt more than getting injured?

"Miss Joohyun, please have something to eat." Don't know when Tian Fei brought out a lot of snacks and placed them in front of Joohyun.

Joohyun immediately became overjoyed. Finally, there's food to soothe this pain ah.

"Thank you," Joohyun smiled and said.

"You're welcome." After receiving Third Young Master's commending expression in his eyes, Tian Fei withdrew silently.


A ringtone from her phone suddenly blared from the linen bag. Joohyun had put her phone inside it during the fight before.

She took out her phone and found Tong Wei was calling her, so she immediately answered it.

"I'm here, is Tong Chao still safe?" Tong Wei hurriedly asked before Joohyun could say anything.

"He's alright, although I'm going to die soon." Thinking of how many talismans she had lost, Joohyun felt that she was about to die from heartache.

Lisa's hands that were cleaning her wounds stiffened. He raised his head and glanced at Joohyun. After confirming that she was only complaining casually, he lowered his head and continued to clean.

"It's good, it's good." Tong Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his nephew was alright.

Is this person selectively deaf? How come he only listens to the first half sentence?

After explaining the matter, Joohyun hung up the phone and said to Lisa who was dressing up her wounds, "Third Brother, I want to go out for a bit."

"Going out for what?" Lisa's face was full of disapproval.

"Tong Chao's uncle..." Joohyun finally realized at this time that Tong Chao didn't seem to be inside the house, and she looked around in surprise. "Where did Tong Chao go?"

Lisa thought for a while and quickly guessed Tong Chao's identity. "Is Tong Chao the male ghost during the day?"

"Yes," Joohyun said. "That guy's probably blocked out of the yard. I'm going to get him and search for his Second Uncle. It cost me so many talismans, but I only charged him two million, what a big loss ah."

Her heart felt distressed as she said this, and her face was full of pain.

"So he's the one who provoked that thing tonight?" Although Lisa couldn't see the black energy, it didn't prevent him from guessing.

"That's right, I know Tong Chao's a big trouble, so I won't bring him back." The more Joohyun thought about it, the more annoyed she became, but two million could make up for the loss anyways, Joohyun thought as she prepared to get up from the sofa.

"Don't move." Lisa held Joohyun down, and he turned his head and said to Tian Fei, "Go and bring the people in."

"Third Brother, it's better for me to go out," Joohyun stopped him. "Tong Chao's Second Uncle is also a Celestial Master. You have such a strong aura, I'm worried that you'd get targeted."

"No one dares to set their eyes here except you," Lisa said lightly.

"How can it be the same? I just want to rub on the spiritual energy here, it won't hurt you, but others are different ah," Joohyun said in a serious manner.

After listening to Joohyun's words, Lisa's calm face suddenly bloomed into a smile. He raised his hand and rubbed Joohyun's hair. "Don't worry, it will only be at the courtyard's gate, I won't let him come inside."

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now