Where to stand?

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Let's begin from the start with colonisation,

Isn't it a "privilege" to be the one one holding the whip?

Convicts, prisoner, and

Innocent people.

Predominantly people of colour,

They have been stolen, swindled and


For what you may ask or why?

Ambition and greed!

They have been scattered across the earth,

Their identity is stolen, their culture lost..

What does the future hold for them?



Black, and white.


We've overcome it right?

Well no, we've become better at addressing it indirectly.

WW2 was a racial declaration of war from Germany,

The 'Stolen Generation' had suffered the consequences,


The colour of their skin.

Martin Luther King was assassinated,

He was only human,

Trying to equalise the lives of black people and their rights.

And where does that leave us now?

The 21st Century,

A state of the art century!

Phones, laptops and television,

Deadly weapons at the most


Put in the wrong hands.

Who are we?

We define ourselves with a social identity,

We conform to the expectations of our social group

So why is it important?

2020 was anticipated to be a year of change!

And change there was.

Covid-19 turned into a worldwide pandemic,

A disease killing many


Society set their hearts on something more


The blame.

Chinese people were targets of racial slurs

Then, Asian people as a whole were shot down,

By keyboard warriors typing away hateful comments

And even flagged down on streets being abused.

Does this change?

Protests for 'Black Lives Matter' (BLM) starts to trend,

And yes, this is a fight for justice.

The story is always the same,

just with a different name

George Floyd

'Black man dead after encounter with the police'


Dead or Murdered?

You can be the judge of that!

But some of those supporting 'BLM',

Are the same keyboard warriors who channeled

Hate towards the community of Asians.

Is this what we call unity or hypocrisy?

History seems to repeat itself.

Yet, we're told to learn from history.

Colour seems to determine authority


Racism seems to be more of a worldwide pandemic,

The cycle continues, and generation after generation become


To the point where they pick and choose when to act

Racism sadly will always be an





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