
Start from the beginning

I frowned. This wasn't getting any less confusing.

"Y/N, you've been a really good friend since you got here, so if I tell you this, you have to promise not to tell anyone else. Not your boyfriend, not Kyungmin, and definitely do not try to be the person to mend anything."

"Uh, okay?" But Bo-Bae looked deadly serious, so I promised.

"Three years ago, my sister was a senior here. Like me, she'd scored the highest grades in her other school and won a scholarship to attend MNH. Chae-soo was a junior, but was already being called MNH's princess. And she was really nice, Bo-Ah told me. And she still is I guess. But there was this big drama near the end of the year, and maybe it was just a misunderstanding, but Bo-Ah was humiliated, and directly or indirectly, it was Chae-soo's fault. I don't really want to get into it, but the day after graduation, she moved really far away and I barely see her in person anymore.

"Not even Gyeo-Wool knows who my sister is," continued Bo-Bae. "And she's always been nice in book club. It was three years ago, so for all I know, Chae-soo's changed. But I'm just saying, in my sister's experience at least, Chae-soo's nice...until she isn't. Just keep that in mind, Y/N."

I didn't really know how to respond to that. For the most part, it only left me more confused. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Bo-Bae. I hope your sister's doing well now?"

"Yeah, she's fine. And thanks. I really would still like to be friends with you, Y/N, but I just don't feel comfortable being close to Chae-soo, and if that's me being biased due to an incident from years ago I didn't even witness, I'll admit that. But I hope you can understand? And I promise, I don't resent you for hanging out with them."

Despite all of what was just dropped on me, I had to get to class. "Okay? But we can still hang out, and study together right?"

Bo-Bae smiled. "Only if when you bring the sasquatch twins, you tell them to stop asking questions and complaining of being hungry every five seconds."


Because Ahyeon and Yeonseok's parents were also wealthy, of course it was completely normal that they had an indoor swimming pool, sided by a lounge area. That was where the junior girl and I were having our Romanian session—featuring Seungheon, because he was clearly too shy to confess to Ahyeon.

 That was where the junior girl and I were having our Romanian session—featuring Seungheon, because he was clearly too shy to confess to Ahyeon

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"Remember, the Ț sound is completely different from the normal T sound," I reminded, as Ahyeon read out a sentence. She was actually doing pretty well.

"Like the double z in pizza, right?" said Seungheon. It was sweet that he was trying to pick up on any of the language—even if it was for a certain someone.

Ahyeon giggled. "You're so cute Seung-ah. Should we order pizza after this?"

I had never seen a fifteen-year-old boy blush, though Ahyeon was thankfully back to looking at the iPad. I kept my smirk to myself.

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