
Start from the beginning

This Won-sik guy really needed to accept that the Woodstock hippy era was over. I hid behind a row of lockers, annoyed that I was doing this yet again. Now I knew I wasn't wrong. The first time I saw those White Dragon members and Myungho, I'd heard one of them say the name Won-sik. Did I still call the police? I thought the pretty obvious answer was yes, but now I hesitated.

What was Myungho even doing running with these guys? He was literally the son of one of Korea's wealthiest empire moguls.

"Whatever, just actually wait til the game is over, and I'll meet you..."

Another pair of footsteps echoed down.

"What's going on here?" asked an annoyed voice that sounded awfully like Changhoon.

"Hey man," said the cheery Won-sik. "Imagine passing MNH's star batsman on my way out? Just congratulating him is all, practicing my sportsmanship you know? Game's over then? How'd you do?"

Changhoon scoffed derisively. "Would've won if the whole MNH team weren't sucking the umpire's dick."

"You curious or something Changhoon?" retorted Myungho. "You keep bringing me up in your gay scenarios."

I peeked around and saw the way the two baseballers glared at each other. And I swore it looked like Won-sik and Changhoon knew one another, and that Myungho had stepped away from the gang member.

And, that Changhoon and Myungho might start another fight.

Bitch move or not, I decided to leave. I really needed to stop getting myself into these situations. I heard several others come through, most likely staff and team members from both sides, but before I had gotten out of this area, one of the HYBE team members stood in my way.

"Hey, you waiting here to get a backstage pass or something?" he said suggestively.

Ew, seriously? "No, just leaving actually. Heard you lost, that's a shame."

I intentionally said that in a bitchy way, but this creep clearly didn't take the hint. "Why don't you make me feel better? And the umpire was clearly backing MNH. Come out with us and I'll show you what actual pro athletes can do?"

And this guy was done. "How about no. Bye." I went to move past the creep as he tried to grab me, but that hand was seized and he hissed in pain.

"Get off of me you prick," creepy guy spat, and I turned to see Haemin. He let go with a shove and the HYBE player stumbled back.

"Touch my girlfriend and I'll break your nose."

It was really nice that Haemin was standing up for me and all, but I'd never seen him pissed before, and this creep wasn't worth it. "Haemin don't worry about him, let's just go."

"You think trying to play the nice guy's gonna win you points with this slut?" 

Maybe me laughing at that insult didn't help matters, but HYBE creep came at me again and Haemin punched him in the face. So shocked, I didn't even notice that others had walked onto the scene.

"Damn," gasped Heiko. "So, what'd we miss?" The four of them, plus Gyeo-Wool and Minho stood there, while other HYBE team members rushed over to their friend with a bleeding nose.

Some stormed up to Haemin but Kyungmin blocked their way; a chill but tall-ass barricade. "Let's just all chill out maybe?" He turned back to me looking clueless. "What happened?" he mouthed.

I was about to explain as I saw Yoonsung, Jaeyun, Yungyu, plus several MNH team members come up behind Minho, but paused when Chae-soo looked over all of us.

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