My People Need Me, Maybe for Funerals (Alternate Epilogue: Hiccup)

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Shortly before midday the next day, Stephen comes with news to the tower.

He figured out how to do it. How to get everyone home. To our worlds.

I lean against the wall with Toothless by my side as the Avengers start milling about, some nursing headaches from drinking a little too hard. I cross my arms, taking a breath in as I think carefully, because now that we're presented with the opportunity to go home, I'm not so sure about my decision to stay anymore.

I'm terrified of going home. I'm scared that the bad Dr Strange wasn't bluffing, that he really did ruin everything.  that he really has taken everything and everyone from me. From us.

I look down at Toothless when he nudges me, and I give him a half smile and unfold my arms to scratch his head. What would I do without him? The only constant in my life right now.

"Let's get moving, people." Dr Strange calls. "We have a small window to pull this off." He looks over at me, "An opportunity like this won't return anytime soon."

I glance at the floor at that last sentence, doubt in my head. I know that I said I wanted to stay here, but what if I'm making the wrong choice?

"Guys, guys, you need to stop chasing Loki," Peter tells the twins, putting himself between them and Loki. "I'm fairly sure you're about to get stabbed if you keep that up." They'd been following, literally, in his footsteps, all over the room. Sure enough, Loki is now gripping a dagger and seeming  deciding that the consequences to follow might be worth it after all.

"Cool!' Tuffnut cheers.

"N-No... no, not cool, actually." Peter retorts. He looks at me pleadingly. I shrug; i've never been able to control them, I'm not gonna start now. However, Toothless takes pity and directs a growl at Barf and Belch, who lunge forward and pick up their riders by the back of their shirts, turning and walking away from Loki, who keeps an impassive expression, but slips the dagger away.

I sigh. I mean, I'm a Chief, for Thor-sake... that feels weird to think now that I've literally met him. But anyway, I have a responsibility to my people, don't I? Our people. And the dragons. Even if... even if the only responsibilities left would be funerals... don't I owe that to them?

"Watcha thinking, Hiccup?" Dagur slides up next to me, startling me.

"Uh... just about—about everything, I guess." I admit, rubbing my neck. This is something I'd LOVE to find a thinking sea stack for. I've always been able to sort my thoughts out on an isolated sea stack with a good view and sea spraying up at me. "It's not easy."

"Well, it never is, brother." Dagur shrugs, but he meets my gaze and his eyes are soft. "That's usually how you know its the right thing to do."

"But, that's the thing! No matter what I decide, I find a reason to do the other option!" I exclaim, and then the words spill out of my mouth faster than I can stop them. "Stay here, sure; I decided that, and then I don't have to face the chance of seeing everything messed up. but I am CHIEF, and I swore a responsibility to my people. I'm abandoning them by not wanting to return."

So then I decide to return, but then I have the crushing weight of what I might find waiting there, not knowing how much time will have passed. And I'd know I could just stay here and build a new life for Toothless and I. And Toothless--gods, don't get me started. I want him to be happy, I don't want to force him to stay here, away from the other dragons, but he literally won't leave me here alone, and is too gods-damn loyal for his own good. He's willing to stay here forever with me, just because! I don't want to leave him either. And I don't know what to do about it because what can you do about something like that?"

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