Chapter 9: What am I, dead? (Hiccup)

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Hiccup wakes up to see two strange creatures. They think he and toothless are there to attack them, he thinks they shot them out of the sky. It's quite a mess, but he eventually manages to prevent a battle and somewhat calm the situation.

Refer to the last chapter for Peter's recollection of recent events.


I toss inferno away and show I have no more weapons on hand. "Okay. So can we talk this through? Civilly?" I ask.

The metal man crosses his metal arms. "Fine."

I nod, slightly wary. I don't want him to try anything. Okay, now to figure out where we are, who these people are, and what to do next.

"Soo, how do we do this? Twenty questions?" The smaller man asks, awkward.

"Let's start with something simple. Where are we?" I respond, spreading my arms and looking around us. Sure, it looks like we're in a regular field, but when you look past the grass and the trees there's just... light. Crazy tall structures, so much noise, and light. The only thing I could possibly compare such light to would be when many dragons use their mouths to light up a dark cave— like when I first met my mother. The buildings are just... different.

"Central Park." Metal man responds as if it's obvious, though it's quite the opposite. "Now, how about you start with—"

"Whoa, whoa— wait!" I cut him off. "You have to give me more information than that. Central Park? Where's that."

The man sighs in frustration but obliges. "Manhattan, New York." I blink, oblivious. "America." I shrug. "You know, like the country?"

"Yeahhh, no it doesn't ring a bell. How far away are we from our archipelago?"

"Archipelago?" Small man questions.

"Where we're from."

"And where is that?" Metal man asks.

"Well, it's a few days west of the old isle of Berk, the Berskers, and the outcasts. Other then that we're pretty empty." Unless you count the Hidden World. There's a brief pause, before anyone speaks.

"There's no thing." The meal man snaps. "The truth, if you will."

I pat myself down dramatically. "Well, that's a new development. Guess I don't exist." I wave a hand of dismissal at them. "Seriously, though. Everyone's heard of Berk. My fault, I know." I role my eyes mockingly. Yeah we had targets on our backs, living there with all those dragons.

"So if you're so called "Berk" is real, then... why don't our A.Is know about it?" The small man asks.
"What's an A.I?"
My question goes unanswered when the metal man speaks up again. "Unless... It's on this planet."
"On this planet? What are you talking about?!" I exclaim. "What are you, crazy?" This is Dagur level of crazy.

The meal man clicks his fingers at me. "Hey, What planet are you from?" He seems distracted.

"This one." I even point at the ground. Could I be any more obvious?

"Really? Cause that's interesting, see we have no matches for those names here. So either you lied or you're from a different planet."

"I'm not lying!"

"So where are you from?" Metal man presses.

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