Chapter 35: He's Lightning Mc dissapearing (Hiccup)

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Hiccup and Toothless finally met Thor and Loki, who finally showed up to the battle. The heroes all discovered that none of them really have parents.

Refer to the last chapter for Peter's recollection of the recent events


"To the left, bud!" I call as we fly low to the ground, mixing amongst the low flying robots (none of them have really gotten more than one story into the air) and a few jumpy aliens. Toothless follows my instructions and tucks his wings, sliding to the left through an open gap. As we do so, I release a little bit of Zippleback gas (we're trying to ration it) from inferno, before we lean to the right to dodge an alien. One of the robots opens fire, the sparks igniting the gas as we slip away though the gaps. The explosion goes off behind us and I turn my head to check over my shoulder, satisfied to see about five robots severely damaged and two aliens down.

I'll admit that I still feel weird about killing the aliens, I know they're bad and putting lives at risk but... so were the dragons, y'know? The 'robots' I can see past, they're machines and not alive, but the aliens are a little different. We've fought against living things before, like the Hunter's enslaved singetails, but it doesn't mean I feel any better about fighting these ones. I just have to reminds myself that they're really, really bad and seem to be acting on a crazed instinct rather than intellect— and hey, if they win then Toothless and I won't be going home. And we can't let that happen.

Anyway, as Toothless and I fly through the battlefield, we catch glimpses of the others fighting. They're a...talented... bunch, I'll give them that. Never thought I'd be watching people make chunks of earth fly into the air without even touching it, or make seemingly impossible shots with a bow and arrow. I mean, seriously. That kind of accuracy you'd only see from Toothless— or a Deadly Nadder and it's spines. This place has a good bunch of defenders, I can definitely say that they're well-equipped to deal with threats like these robots and aliens.

"Alright bud," I mutter, looking around the battlefield and noticing the occasional flash of colour from within— whether that be explosions, fire, Wanda's red energy, etc. "Where to next?"

Toothless apparently has already picked a target, swooping off to fire at a group of aliens. I grip the saddle bars tightly as we approach and he lands his shot. "Good job!" I cheer, patting his side, the battlefield flashing by us as we speed through the air. After a few minutes of unleashing havoc onto the enemy, we touch down to gather our bearings and take a small break. We land on top of a small building somewhere near the outskirts of the battle, with barely any aliens and robots around.

"I think we're doing good, Toothless!" I exclaim, jumping out of the saddle and looking around us, noticing quite a few robots and aliens down. I guess many hands really do make light work, even if those hands are vastly vastly outnumbered. None of the aliens or robots nearby down below have noticed us, so I take the opportunity to dig out the pain killers from one of my pockets and my water flask, quickly taking a pill. My side has started flaring with pain again, to no ones surprise. So I figure if I take another pain killer it might settle down soon. Hopefully. I need to push through the pain and continue fighting.

"Alright bud," I call him over after I've taken a drink from the water flask. "Ready to get back up there?" He croons in agreement and let's me do a quick once over of the saddle and tail to check for damage. Once satisfied, I stow away the pills and water before climbing back into the saddle.

A few minutes after we mix back into the battle, a few flashes of light catch my attention. I turn my head to see Thor fighting side by side with Steve, with Thor swinging his fists and Steve swinging his shield. Thor uses lightning several times as he fights, but he seems to do pretty good without using it too, to no one's surprise. My eyes trail after him as we fly overhead, still struggling to grasp the fact that he is the actual Thor.

We end up almost right above them as we take down a flying robot, getting a closer view of Thor  summoning his lightning. Toothless rumbles underneath me, glancing up at me with a knowing look. I glance back at the tail then turn back to pat his head, nodding my approval. Toothless and I circle around to fly over Thor.

"Hey, Thor!" I shout down at him, leaning out of the saddle slightly to see his reaction. "Your lightning! Do it again!"

He pauses and glances up at us, confused, but seemingly decides to do it anyway, perhaps just to appease us or to carry on with the battle, either way is fine to me. Seeing Thor pick a target, I look down at Toothless and pat his head. "You got this, Bud!" I encourage, adrenaline pumping through my bloodstream and driving my heart beat faster. Just then, Thor summons lightning down to himself in a flash. Toothless roars as this happens and summons a strand of that lightning to seperate and flow directly to us. I hear Thor exclaim down below, but don't catch it over the crackle of lightning and the wind in my ears. I feel eyes on us, but pay them no mind— instead focusing on keeping as aerodynamic as possible and trusting the tail to stay intact.

Toothless roars, the lightning flowing all over our bodies without harming us, before he flaps his wings and we surge forward in the air to disappear.

I'm a slut for drama.

Sorry it's short. See you next chapter with Peter!

Dragons, Superheroes and a Tear in Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن