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The three of us sprint back to the elevator as the door slides open. "Press the button!" Mom yells. "Okay, what floor? What floor?" Dad yells back. "Any one!" I yell.

Dad presses the button and the door slides shut. I almost sigh in relief but my sigh quickly turns into a scream as the guardian's blade cuts through the door.

Mom yanks me behind her as the elevator starts downward and the guardian is forced to remove his weapon. "Are you okay?" Dad asks, kneeling in front of me. "Uh-huh." I nod.

The elevator doors open on floor four, and mom pokes her head out, making sure the coast is clear before she motions for us to follow.

"I told you to go, okay?" Dad says to mom as we start walking again. "And let you die alone? Where's the fun in that?" Mom asks. "And the baby?" Dad asks, turning the corner. "You let me worry about that," Mom says, glancing back to make sure I'm still with them.

"No, I'm its father," Dad replies. "Who has no part in the gestation of the baby for the next nine months." Mom answers. "So nice try." I roll my eyes. Listening to my parents bickering is the last thing I wanna do right now.

"Okay." Dad continues, stopping in front of an open closet so he can look at mom. "So I can't convince you to sit this one out?"  "Finally, you're getting it," Mom says.

Dad grabs her arm, pulling her closer. "You're right." He says, looking like he's about to kiss her. "I do." Mom chuckles right as dad whips her around and pushes her into the open closet.

Before I can even react, dad grabs my arm and pushes me into the closet behind mom. He slams the door in our faces. "Hey!" Mom yells, running at the door just as the lock clicks from outside. "Hey!"

Mom bangs on the metal door. "What are you doing?!" She shouts, kicking the door we both know won't budge. "I'm protecting my family, all right?!" Dad yells back. Mom's fists pound on the door as I just stand there, shocked.

"No, no, no, no!" Mom cries. "Diego, don't leave us!"  "I'm sorry," Dad responds. "You promised we'd always be together!" Mom shouts again, trying not to let her tears fall. "I know," Dad says softly. "I know..."

"Diego, no, no, no, no! No, don't do this!" Mom's begging now, and I stand there, with tears starting to run down my cheeks. How can he lock us in here? How can he leave us?

"When the baby gets here, tell him, or her... about the man I was. The man I tried to be." Dad requests. I can feel his aura linger outside the door, about to move on, but my voice must stop him.

"Please don't do this!" I say. "Please, d- d- d- d-... d- d-... d-..." I start crying as the word won't come out of my mouth. I expect Dad's aura to disappear, but instead, it stays. He stays, waiting to hear what I have to say. "Da- d- d-... d- da-... d- d- dad."

A moment of silence follows the word before we hear his voice from outside the door.
"I love you, girls." He says before his aura slips away.

Mom bangs on the door again. She can't sense auras like I can. "No, no, no, no, no, Diego! No, no! Diego! Diego!" "Mum! Mom!" I shout, grabbing her hands and pulling her away from the door. "He's gone," I say with tears in my eyes. "He's gone..."

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