{ NINE }

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Welcome MahjonGeRs, the sign reads. I sit in an armchair by the stairs that lead up to the second-floor balcony, reading a book while Diego and uncle Luther play mahjong by the bar along with the other guests in the hotel.

As aunt Allison and uncle Viktor pass me, on their way to join their siblings, they wave and smile at me. I wave back, glancing at them as they sit down. I love how everyone else seems to like me besides my own father.

For the first time, I can't hear what the family is saying, due to distance and the overall chatter in the lobby. But, I can feel their auras and something feels off. Like way off.

Suddenly, the same prickle of goosebumps I got at the store the other day, rises on the back of my neck. The auras I feel, are instantly recognizable, and strong at that. I jump to my feet, letting the book I was reading fall to the floor before I sprint over to my family's table.

"Diego!" I say quickly, skidding to a stop at the table. Allison, Viktor, Luther, and Diego all look up at me in question. Diego sighs. "Whatta you want now kid, I thought you-"  "The Sparrows-" I start, cutting Diego off before I get cut off myself by a sudden shriek.

We all turn around, watching as the revolving door spins and five people in red leather suits and one floating cube walk into the hotel, acting like they own the place. Two of them I recognize from the drugstore, are Jayme and Alphonso. Luther, Allison, Viktor, and Diego jump to their feet, almost knocking over their chairs in the process.

As Luther, Allison, and Viktor walk to meet the Sparrows in the center of the lobby, Diego roughly grabs my shoulders. "Go upstairs. Now." He says with a seriousness I've never seen before. "Wait, why? What's going on?" I ask. Diego pushes me back, giving me a look with his eyes that says, "For once just do as I say," before he joins the rest of his siblings.

I hide behind one of the pillars, watching as the two academies line up facing each other like some kind of western showdown. Both groups' aura is strong and I can feel how much they both dislike the other. I really wonder how much I don't know.

Several of the guests in the hotel whip out their phones and cameras, taking photos and videos of the media-loved superheroes. "Well, thanks for coming." Says uncle Viktor, kind of awkwardly. "Oh, yeah super glad to be here," Jayme replies sarcastically. "Where are the rest of you?" A man with dark hair snaps.

"What, are you taking attendance?" Diego asks. "Where's the briefcase?" Aunt Allison asks. "Where's our brother?" The dark-haired man retorts. He seems to be their leader. Allison smirks. "Maybe we should try this again before I lose my temper." She says slowly.

Viktor looks at Allison, his face painted with nerves. "Allison-" He starts but aunt Allison cuts him off. "I got this." She says emotionlessly. "Hand over the briefcase or no deal." "Yeah, tiny problem." The leader says. "Deal's off."

"Oh, 'run'!" Luther suddenly says out loud. I look at him, realizing he and the woman the furthest from me were discreetly talking. "Power up!" The leader of the Sparrows says, and his side does just that.

Ravens fly out of a woman with sunglasses back, Alphonso cracks his fingers, black veins appear in Jayme's cheeks, the cube starts spinning and glowing red, and the woman at the end gets orbs that look like balls of air on her hands. However, unlike her family, she doesn't look like she wants to fight.

As the guests realize what's about to happen, they start shouting and racing each other for the elevators and the stairs. I don't move at all from my place behind the pillar. My feet are frozen to the ground, and all I can do is stand and watch the scene play out, feeling helpless, and knowing if I could just move I might be able to stop what's about to happen.

"Now, Chris." The leader says to the cube. Suddenly, the cube unleashes four red strings of what looks like lightning. Each string attaches to the head of one of the Umbrellas and they all fall to the ground wailing in pain.

"I heard... I heard a rumor..." Allison starts, her voice echoing as she uses her power. But she can't get the words out as she groans, her body succumbing to whatever pain the cube has put her in. "That you're about to die?" The leader asks, finishing the sentence Allison started. He smiles evilly. "Kill 'em."

The red strings of lighting disappear, but it is apparent that the Umbrellas are still in pain. And for a fraction of a second, where my father is, laying on the ground still in pain, he looks up and meets my eye.

Even though it's just a single look, I can tell my father doesn't want me to see this. He doesn't want me here. Not because he doesn't like me but because he doesn't want me to watch what might happen to him. He doesn't want me to watch him suffer.

Alphonso and Jayme step forward to finish the Umbrellas off, and the bird woman flicks her hand, signaling her ravens to help. Just as they advance, I watch Diego as he mouths one word. It's not a cry for help or anything of the sort, but rather a plea for someone else's safety. Mine.


However, I don't run. I can't run. My feet are glued to the spot, my heart is racing, and I want to cry or shout or beg the Sparrows not to hurt my family. But I can't do anything but watch. Watch as life flickers before my father's eyes, watch as he thinks his time is up.

I brace myself for what I know is to come, but just before it does, another round of goosebumps shoots up my neck.

In the blink of an eye, three things happen. One, an old man appears out of thin air. Two, said old man shoots what looks like fire from his chest with an echoing yell. And three, Jayme and Alphonso fall to the ground dead, looking like their souls were just sucked from their bodies. Burned. Mummys if you will.

The cube hits the far wall with a bang, Luther somehow manages to grab the girl he was talking to and get them both out of harm's way, and the Bird lady and the leader both fall back, lucky to be alive.

Just as quickly as it started, it's over.

The remaining Sparrows flee with their lives as everyone else shakily rises to their feet, collecting themselves after whatever the hell just happened.

Luther hunches over the body of the sparrow woman he saved, shaking her. I can tell she's still alive, just unconscious. Viktor rises to his feet, staring at the random old guy who just saved us all. "Oh, my God." He says with an airy tone that suggests he knows this man. "Harlan? Is that you?"

Harlan stares at Viktor for a long moment before walking passed him and up to the dead bodies of Jayme and Alphonso. He stares at them, not saying anything. And everyone else stares at Harlan starting at the bodies, not saying anything either.

Suddenly, Diego turns to me and whistles furiously to get my attention. "You! Upstairs! Now!" He yells, pointing his finger at me. When I don't make any move to leave, Diego walks up to me, ready to drag me upstairs if he has to. But just as he reaches me, about to grab my arm, I hug him.

Taken aback by my sudden action, Diego just stands there, letting me hug him until awkwardly he hugs me back with one arm, patting the back of my shoulder almost in a comforting way.

After a second, I pull away and run up the stairs without looking back.

COPYCAT ✾ The Umbrella AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora