{ FIVE }

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The second we get back to the hotel, and into the room, I got last night with the money mom left me, Diego pushes me onto the bed. "What the hell was that?" He asks angrily. I cross my arms. "A 'thank you' would be nice. I did save your pathetic ass after all."

"And look what happened to you!" He almost shouts, gesturing to the tear in my jeans where the guy with the weird face cut me. It stings. When I don't answer, Diego runs a hand through his hair before he starts wandering the room mindlessly. Probably thinking about what to say to me.

"You have powers?" He finally decides to ask after the worst thirty seconds of silence I've endured in my life. I nod, not daring to look up and see Diego's face. Instead, I focus on the ugly wallpaper.

Suddenly, I feel the bed dip beside me. Still, I can't bring myself to look at him. "What are they?" Diego asks, folding his hands but not looking at me. I sigh, uncrossing my arms. I think my father already knows what I can do. He just wants me to confirm it.

"Kinda like mom's powers," I state, twisting my bracelet out of habit. "Just a little different."  "Different?" Diego asks. I nod. "Like, I can use multiple powers at once."  "How does that work?"  "Just like mom's. Sorta. I can sense other people's auras when they're close to me, and when they're further away, I can't. If that makes any sense." I explain.

Diego just nods, which I think is worse than him giving me a verbal answer. I shift uneasily. His silence is torture. Suddenly, I feel the bed rise and watch as Diego's feet walk passed me and toward the door. I hear the handle turn, and the door creaks open.

"Thank you." He says softly. My head snaps up, just as the door shuts behind my father. I know he stands outside for a moment before walking down the hall because I can sense his aura grow weaker and weaker before it's gone.

I sigh, flopping back on my bed. So much is running through my mind, that I don't even know how to put it into words. I wonder if Diego believes I'm his child now, after witnessing me use my powers. Probably not.

I know he doesn't want me around, I'm not dumb.

I can't help but sigh again as I sit up. I glance down at my leg, the blood making me cringe. I go to the bathroom down the hall, clean and bandage the cut, before deciding to go downstairs and find something to eat.

As I walk down the hallway to get to the lobby, jazzy piano music, and light chatter meet my ears. But it's my name coming from a voice I recognize that gets me to stop and duck behind a wall before they can see me, or even know I was coming.

"... I mean, who does that?" I hear Diego ask himself. "Who does that?"  "What are you mumbling about?" A female voice I don't recognize, so I assume it's my aunt Allison, asks boredly. "Lila," Diego answers as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Dumping Darla on me after all these years. I mean, that's not right."

Viktor scoffs. "Hey, man. If you did the deed, don't blame her for the consequences." He says, sounding tipsy, at least. "That's not the point," Diego says. "Oh, what's the point, then?" Viktor asks. "She's cramping my style," Diego says. "I need to be able to react to danger on a moment's notice." He snaps his fingers. "How am I supposed to do that when I'm babysitting a thirteen-year-old?"

"You're her dad!" Uncle Viktor suddenly snaps. "Alleged dad." Diego corrects. "Well, at least you have a kid." Aunt Allison says. Viktor nor Diego respond, as Allison stands and walks up to the bar.

As she passes the wall I hid behind, her eyes lock with mine, and she gives me a look of pity, obviously knowing I was listening in on their conversation. She frowns, watching as I run away before continuing on.

I can feel tears brimming my eyes, but I don't let them fall until I'm locked back in my hotel room. I slid down the door, burying my face in my knees. Diego doesn't want me around, and mom left me here with no way to contact her. For all I know, she could be back in two thousand and three, West Berlin with Trudy and Stanley, by now.

I wipe my eyes, reminding myself that I shouldn't cry because a dickhead like my dad doesn't want me around. Even if I don't like it, I can see why he doesn't want me here. After all, he just figured out he had a daughter less than a day ago. One that he had never met in all her life. I guess I can blame my mom for never taking me to see my father.

I still hate Diego though. And I guess I have a tiny bit of hatred in my heart for Lila. I just wish we could have been a normal family.

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