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An ear-piercing scream echoes down the empty corridors and a rush of goosebumps runs up the back of my neck. "Sloane," I say under my breath. I don't even need my powers to recognize her distress. Mom, dad, and I scramble down the halls, sprinting as quickly as we can into the White Buffalo Suite where Allison and Klaus already are.

"Oh, my God." Mom gasps, pushing me behind her but not before I see who lies dead in the middle of the room. Luther. Ben is the next one to run into the room, and after him are Viktor and Five. "What happened?" Five asks. "He went to go get ice. I couldn't-" Sloane barely manages to cloak out between her sobs. "He didn't come back-"

"It must have been him," Mom says, nodding at the slightly ajar pachinko game, doorway, tunnel thing. "The guardian."  "She's right." Dad agrees, carefully making his way to Luther's body to examine the gash in his chest. "Whatever did this had a long curved blade."

"How can you be sure?" Viktor asks, looking down at Luther like he can't believe it. None of us can. "I don't know much, but I know knives," Dad says, holding back his tears. It

"Children, what's going on-?" Reginald asks as he comes running into the room out of breath. He gasps, cutting himself off. "Oh, God! Luther."  "If we attacked first, he would still be alive," Ben says. No one replies. Instead, we all look from each other to Luther, to Sloane, and back to each other.

Allison looks about ready to cry, and so does dad. Klaus and Viktor just stand there, and so does basically everyone else, besides Sloane, who weeps over her dead husband. This day just went from bad to worse, and just when I think it can't get any worse, the hotel starts shaking. I know as well as everyone, what that means.

"G-Guys? Hey, guys!" Ben shouts as he looks out the door before running back inside the room. "What are we gonna do with Luther?" Sloane asks, still sobbing. "Okay, we're out of time! The Kugelblitz is here!" Five shouts as dad grabs the speargun from under the White Buffalo head. "Everyone into the passage!" Reginald shouts, further opening the already open door. "It's the only way!"

Without hesitation, Mom drags me into the tunnel. I can't even get a word out before dad follows us in, then Ben, and Viktor. I don't see who else makes it in, but I can only hope it's everyone.

Mom kicks open the door on the other side, dragging me out with her. "Let's never do that again." Viktor pants once he steps out of the tunnel. "What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Five asks, jumping out of the tunnel behind Allison and Sloane. "It's kind of our thing," Dad comments after poking his head out the door to make sure the hall is clear.

"There is something very wrong about that," Allison comments, looking at the Buffalo butt where the Buffalo head should be. "Same suite, just ass-backward," Mom says. Five nods, "No hyperbole there."  "This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit," Ben remarks. "Yeah, it only gets weirder," Dad states. I believe that.

Suddenly, Reginald bursts out of the passageway, panting as he slams the door shut behind him. "At last, the other side." He says out of breath, looking around the room. I look around the room too, noticing something. "Where's Klaus?" I ask. Everyone turns to me.

"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time." Reginald pants out, getting everyone to look away from me and instead look at him. "No, he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel." Five says, stepping closer to the old man.

"We need to go back." Sloane cries. "There's nothing to go back to," Reginald says. "Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving.

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