{ TEN }

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"You're gonna clean every square inch of this," Diego says, gesturing to the mess the old man made earlier. "What? But I didn't do any of this. It was the man, the octogenarian." I point out. "I don't give a shit where he grew up," Diego says. Clearly, he doesn't know what an "octogenarian" is. "You're gonna clean. No one-" Diego continues but I cut him off.

"Yeah, and you're just mad that you got your ass handed to you by a floating cube!" I say. In the distance uncle Klaus laughs as Dirgo jabs a finger into my chest, saying, "That's it. You're grounded," before he rounds on Klaus. "Why are you laughing?" He asks. "I mean, you were conveniently absent when all this shit went down."

"I was talking with dad," Klaus says whimsically. Diego looks at me. "Don't move an inch." He says before pulling Klaus away. The second his back is turned I take a step to the left.

The two mumble back and forth to each other, at one point, glancing back at me, but I don't hear a word they say. When Diego walks back over to me, he opens his mouth to speak but before he can, Chet walks up pushing a cleaning trolley. "As requested." He says, handing Diego a fat thing of keys and a list.

Diego glances at the list, then at Chet then walks over to me, and holds out the two objects. "What the hell is this?" I ask. "You said you wanted a job," Diego replies. "I didn't mean that literally," I mumble. Diego ignores me.

"When you're done here-," Diego gestures to the mess in the lobby, "-you're gonna clean every room on Chet's list to pay for this shit, okay?"  "Why am I the one paying for it? I didn't do anything." I say as Diego drops the list and keys into my hands. Considering my words, Diego glances over his shoulder and grabs Klaus.

"And your uncle Klaus is gonna watch- help you." He adds. "What? No! Please don't!"  "What? No! Why can't you do it?" Me and Klaus groan in sync. "Because I have to babysit Luther in case Allison pops off again. Okay?" Diego says in response to Klaus'a question.

Klaus groans as Diego looks between the two of us. "All right, you two have tons in common." He says. "Oh, yeah. Like what?" I ask sarcasticslly. "Being a pain in my ass." Diego walks away, leaving me and Klaus alone. I flip him off as he goes.

"You're an asshat!" Klaus says, not intending for Diego to hear, but he does anyway. "Heard that!" He shouts back before disappearing from view behind the corner.

Once he's gone, Klaus turns to me, looking slightly glum. "Let's get this over with." He groans, starting to walk away. I smirk. "I thought you were supposed to be the fun uncle," I say. Klaus turns to be, realization crossing his face. "I know. Me too."

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