Chapter 9: Uncovered

Start from the beginning

As we sat at the booth, Weiss started to ask me questions about myself while I did the same with her. She was so excited to talk that all of her "Proper training" went out the window. She seemed like a normal girl instead of a heiress. I avoided some of the darker elements of me, like the whole dying thing, and being a bandit. I was honestly scared that she would outright reject me because of that stuff.

Weiss: So where did you grow up?

Y/n: All over, really. I was born in Vale though. How about you? Live here all your life?

Weiss: Yes. I've never been to any of the other kingdoms. How did you get your mask?

Y/n: ....It was a coming of age present from my Au-...Guardian...

My hesitance did not go unnoticed both Weiss and Klein. Klein seemed perfectly fine to leave it be, but Weiss seemed a bit disheartened at my seeming lack of trust. That couldn't have been further from the truth though. I did trust her a hell of a lot more than I should've since this was our first meeting. I quickly changed gears to get on with the more pressing matters.

Y/n: We should probably move on to the more important information.

Weiss snapped out of her funk and focused solely on me, as if the information could possibly save her life. Haha, little does she know.

Y/n: Weiss... the reason I'm here is because someone put a contract out on your family.

Weiss: What kind of contract?

Y/n: The kind that typically leaves the people in question six feet under.

Weiss tried to keep a neutral face but failed miserably. She paled; I didn't think it would be possible to be any paler. Kleins eyes turned red. Guess I really got his attention.

Klein: Whos the bloke who placed it?!

Y/n: Cant say, but this is the part where I tell you the next bit.... I took the contract t-

Weiss and Klein bolted out of the booth. Weiss looked completely in shock and hurt. Klein on the other hand looked ready to kill. It was genuinely intimidating. It had hurt me to see the look on Weiss' face too. I probably could have had a bit more tact there.

Y/n: WAITWAITWAIT! I only took it because we're planning to sabotage the contract that's out on you. There is absolutely NO way that I will harm you!

Klein held his ground for a moment with Weiss doing the same. Oum, I already fucked this up. I should never have even tried to reveal this. What was I thinking? Not only that, the first thing their going to do is blow the whistle on the whole thing and be in even more danger. I'm such a fool!

Weiss stepped out from behind Klein, catching my attention. We held eye contact for what felt like hours. I desperately pleaded for them to believe me. Klein was the first to speak up.

Klein: All the information you have. Nothing withheld.

Weiss: I believe that you mean my family or myself no harm. But Klein is right. We need the truth.

That was understandable. I had afforded Pietro the same courtesy when I met him. Weiss is no exception. Especially since I've already revealed the plot on her family's life. I nodded my head. This was going to take a bit...

Roy pov

Opposite side of Mantle

Same time

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