Chapter 48: Eagle Sage Mode

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*Later That Night*

Itsuki woke up that night in a cold sweat, to find himself in the Realm Of The Eagles. "Itsuki-kun" Ryu said, flying over and landing infront of him. Itsuki raised an eyebrow. "Ryu-chan, what am I doing in the Realm?" He asked, standing up and looking around he hadn't been here since he was 12 when he first met Ryu. "It's time for you to learn Eagle Sage Mode" Ryu told him, and flew up to his shoudler. "Eagle Sage Mode?" Itsuki asked in confusion. "Yes, Sage Mode is a technique not used by all Summoning Clan's. But, it is used by some" Ryu repiled.

Itsuki nodded, as he began walking toward Ryu's home. "So, what exactly is Sage Mode?" He then asked. "Sage Mode, in simple terms. Is a form that allows one to utilize Nature Chakra in battle. But, the hard part is that you have to stay still while gathering Nature Chakra" His personal Summon explained. Itsuki nodded. "I see, so you want me to.learn to use this Nature Chakra/Sage Mode thing?" He asked for a third time. Ryu nodded. "Yes, and it'll take a while. So, get comfortable Ituski-kun. I'm going to train you to the ground" She said and flew onto a large mountain.

Itsuki channeled Charka to his feet, and ran up the side of the mountain. As he got to the top, he dropped to one knee coughing up blood. "Itsuki-kun, are you all right?" Ryu asked in a worried tone. "Y-Ya, I'm still not 100%" He said, Tsunade said she had healed him fully, it seemed that it not the case at all. "Well, when I get you starting to pull in Narute Chakra. It should heal whatever lasting wounds you may have. So, take a seat" Ryu said. Itsuki nodded, and took a seat. Ryu nodded once again. "This air up here acts alot like the oil from Mount Myoboku, so I'll hit you over the head when you began to turn into a Eagle"

*Three Months Later*

A 17 year old Ituski grunted as he hopped down from the Eagle Mountain, he was in Sage Mode. Nothing really changed appearance wise when he was in Sage Mode, expect for the Gold pigment around his eyes and golden eyes with black slits for pupils. What little changed in appearance though, made up in power. He may very well lose the Uchiha girl's if Satsuki and Izumi have EMS when they fight, there is also Mikoto who is Kage level with using the Mangekyo Sharingan. But, when using it. It made her qn even more truobsome foe, but with Sage Mode.

Itsuki may just have the upper edge. "You have made me proud Itsuki-kun, you have become the first ever perfect Eagle Sage" Ryu told him, pride entering her voice. Itsuki nodded and returned to normal. "Well, your the only Summoning Eagle I know of. So, it's not to hard to believe" He said cheekily. Ryu flew up, and hit him over the head with her wing. "Oh hush you" She said, amusement entering her voice. "But, your right. Your my second ever Summoner, I never got to teach my first because I had to kill him for being an evil little prick".

She then said. Itsuki rubbed his head and smirked. "Good thing I didn't turn out like that" He said. Ryu nodded her head. "You have done well, but it's time I returned you to Konoha. It has been three months, hell you even had a birthday here that I know your friends would have celebrated it with you" She said. Itsuki nodded, and soon found himself in the Hokage's Office. Tsunade was sleeping, her head the desk. Paperwork sprawled all over the floor, and the desk aswell. "Lady Tsunade, got some more paper work for ya..." Shizune began to say, but dropped the paper work as Ituski turned and smirked at her.

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