Chapter 52: The Finally

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*Sometime Later*

"So, Mikoto, Izumi and Satsuki are all dead?" Tsunade asked with a sigh. Itsuki, Tsume and Kiyomi all stood in the Hokage office, and Tsunami went home to be with her son and her Tou-san. "Mmhmm" Tsume told Tsunade. The blonde nodded. "And you want me to pardon Kiyomi?" She asked. "Yes" Itsuki told her. Tsunade nodded, and handed Kiyomi a piece of paper. "It's already been done, I was waiting for this moment. Your free to live out your life, no jail, probation or house arrest. As for the three dead Uchiha's, well I figure that out to" She said.

Kiyomi grinned, and bowed. "Thank you Lady Tsunade" She said. "Your welcome, but I think you and Tsume also want to be Itsuki-kun's harem along with me, Anko-chan, Zune-chan and Nei-chan" Tsunade said. Tsume nodded. "He helped me get my revenge for Hana-chan, so I owe him my life. Giving him kids, and loving him with all my heart is the least I can do" She said. Kiyomi grinned and through an arm Itsuki. "I'm not going anywhere without my Itsuki-kun, I love him and have loved him since me and Shisui-kun dated" She said.

Tsunade nodded. "That is fine, along as you love him as much as me the other's do" She said with a smile. Tsume and Kiyomi nodded. "We do" They said. Tsunade chuckled and turned to Itsuki. "So, are you fine with this?" She asked. He nodded. "Yes" He said with a smile. Soon, Anko, Kurenei and Shizune walked into the office aswell. "Hey, your back. How did the fight go?" Anko asked. "It was rather quick, they were easier to beat then I originally thought. I guess I have gotten stronger, my fight with with Danzo would have went smoother if it was this version of me taking him on".

Itsuki repiled with small sigh. "You beat him, that's all that matter's handsome" Kurenei told him. Itsuki nodded at this, and soon gunned. "Meet your new harem sister's" He said, jestering to Tsume and Kiyomi. Anko smirked at this, as did Kurenei and Shizuns. "Where's Tsunami-chan? I just know she had the hot's for you" Anko asked. "Tsunami-chan would have made seven, I hate odd numbers. Plus, she has a son to take care of. I'm not about to get in between a Kaa-chan and her beloved son. I refuse to ruin there relationship" He said.

Anko nodded. "Let's go Celebrate, I could use some more Dango" She said. "Ramen, we had Dango earlier" Kurenei said with a sigh. "Tsk fine" Anko said with a pout. "You'll be alright" Shizune said with grin. "Whatever is fine, I'm just happy to finally be free of everything. Though, I will have to deal with Obito and the Akatuski in a few years" Itsuki said, and all of them walked out of the office. "You the most poweful Shinobi I have ever had the privilege to know.
Plus, you have all of us by your side. Obito will not succeed, and after that we can all be a family" Kiyomi said.

Itsuki and the other's smiled. "You got that shit right, I can just see it now. 100's of little half Uchiha babies running around, giving Itsuki-kun and us all kinds of problem's" Tsume said with a grin. Itsuki sweatdropped, as tbe other girls giggled. "I hope it does come to that, my little soldier can only take so much" He said, causing them all to start laughing. "That's why my granduncle made Shadow Clone's, they were not just made for battle" Tsunade said with massive smirk. Itsuki sweatdropped again. "My poor Chakra reserves" He muttered. Causing the girls to giggle again.

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