Chapter 32: Kiyomi Uchiha

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Itsuki smirked, and dodged a Kunai thrown at his head. He then vanished, and reappeared with a woman pinned down underneath him. "Kiyomi-chan, I taught you how to be a Kunoichi. What's make you think you can beat me, especially now?" He asked her. She grinned. "The student will some day surpass the master" She told him. Itsuki smirked and got off of her, before helping her off the ground. She threw an arm around him. "So, how's my cute little Sensei doing?" She asked him. "So and so, I unlocked my Enternal Mangekyo Sharingan" Ituski told her.

"Yes, I got your letter

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"Yes, I got your letter. I proud of you Itsuki-kun" She said. Itsuki smiled, and then remember he was there for Tsunami. "My visit will be short this time, I need you to train someone" He told her. Kiyomi nodded, and looked to her and Anko standing in the entrance way. "So,  is this the Tsunami-chan you been writing about?" Kiyomi asked, seeing she resembled Mikoto quite a bit. Itsuki nodded. "Yes, and this is Anko Mitarashi. I don't know if you two knew one another" He said. Kiyomi nodded. "I know Shitty Anko, very well I might add" She said bitterly.

Anko sighed. "I-I didn't know she was going to sleep with Shisui, Fuyumi never told me till after he was dead. I didn't even know he had a little brother, till Itsuki-kun healed some of my wounds just a few months ago" She said. Kiyomi looked to Itsuki, who nodded. "I see, well if my little Itsuki-kun trust you. Then so will I, just try to keep your slutty friend from breaking his heart" She said. Anko nodded. "You can trust me, I'll kill Fuyumi is she ever even brings up his name" She said. Kiyomi nodded. "Good" She said and turned to Tsunami.

"Tsunami-chan, lets go upstairs. That is where you training will begin" She said. Tsunami nodded. "Yes Ma'am" She said and quickly bwgan walking, but she give Itsuki a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, I'll make it up to you any way I can" She said. Itsuki smiled. "Just do you best, and listen to Kiyomi-chan. She was a good student, I'll know she'll be a good teacher" He said. Tsunami nodded, before going up to the top floor. "Ituski-kun, how much training does she need?" Kiyomi asked him queitly. "Enough to beat Mikoto, but if you can't. I'll kill her myself, I was planning on it already" He said.

Kiyomi nodded. "Yes, she can't get away trying to have Izumi kill Naruko Namikaze" She said, making Anko go wide eyed. "Are shitting me?" She asked in a hushed tone. "No, she is not shitting you. Naruko is Satsuki's best friend, Mikoto wants Izumi to kill Naruko in broad daylight right infront Satsuki. So, she'll unlock her Mangekyo. I guess so her and Izumi can switch eyes" Ituski said. Anko grit her teeth. "Hokage must know about this, Naruko is his daughter" She said. "I would if I could, but we don't don't have the evidence. Naruko won't die, I got Clones watching her everymove as we speak".

He said. "Also, why did you invite Fuyumi Hyuga over my house?" He asked. Kiyomi glared at her, and Anko gupled. "I'm not friends with her anymore, even back then she was always more Izumi's friend then mine" Anko told him. At this, Kiyomi stomped up stairs with her Killer Intent flaring all about. "I got some steam to blow off, I'm going to write to you later Ituski-kun" She said. Itsuki nodded and msirksd. "Don't kill Tsunami-chan, for my own sake" He yelled out and grabbed Anko's shoulder. "Let's get going, I'll tell you more about the Clan's more dirty side".

Itsuki Uchiha (The Little Brother Of Shisui)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora