"Okay. Let's just take a breath. We'll see what happens at dinner, okay? Now, there appears to be a nursery shop two stores down. Would you like to go in there with me?"

Colby and I awed over different baby items, frequently bringing up when Gemma was that little, and how it feels like it was just yesterday that I was digging through thrift store bins for newborn clothes.

Colby ended up purchasing something, yet refused to show me what it was; claiming it was a surprise.

That evening we went to my parents for dinner, and quelle surprise, Lexi didn't show.

"Are you going to join us?" Logan asked, setting his plate on the table.

I shook my head, walking past the table, two plates in hand.

I carefully climbed the steps, peeking around my shoulder to see Colby following my lead, a small smile cracking my cheeks.

I mouthed "Thank you", Colby nodding.

Colby opened my moms door for me, my lips rolling inwards as I set the two plates on the dresser.

"Hi mom" I spoke up, my voice cracking, causing me to clear my throat. "Colby and I are here. We brought dinner"

"Hi sunshine" Mom's voice was hoarse, a lump in my throat appearing as I smiled softly.

"Here, let us help you" Colby announced, both of us walking over to help her sit up.

Once she was sat upright, we positioned pillows to keep her more comfortable. I handed her her food, Taking a seat on the bed next to her, Colby sat across from me.

"You guys didn't have to do this" She said quietly.

"Why wouldn't I want to hang out with my mother?" I asked, my mom beginning to laugh, only to start coughing.

I offered her a drink, softly patting her back until it subsided.

"If only teenage" She struggled, "Teenage you could hear... hear.. yourself" She joked, struggling to inhale and exhale easily, clearing her throat.

The three of us talked for about 10 minutes before the bedroom door opened again, Cynthia, Harper and Gemma walking in with their own dinner plates, a smile on my mom's face.

"Nonna!" Gemma squealed, Cynthia quickly telling her to be careful with the plate, taking it from the toddler so she could climb onto the bed, crawling next to Colby before taking her plate back.

"What are you girls doing in here?" My mom asked, her voice becoming more raspy.

"Eat wif Nonna!" Harper grinned, copying Gemma and sitting down in front of her grandmother.

I looked over, seeing my mom's eyes glisten with tears, a smile on her face as her family members slowly came in, taking a stand at the dresser, or a seat on the floor.

"You guys didn't have to do this" She whispered, Landon shaking his head. "You're our mom, mom. We want to have dinner with you" 

I watched a tear roll down her face, setting my plate aside, I cradled her in my arms.

"Don't cry mom. We love you. You'd never let us miss family dinner when we were younger, what's different now?"

"I love you guys too" She whispered, wiping at her face.

"If you cry, I'm going to cry!" Cynthia fake whined, quickly blinking.

I moved spots with my dad, letting him sit next to my mom and before I could sit on the floor, Colby quickly offered me his spot.

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