My fault?

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Dylan's pov:

It's Ellie's birthday. And everyone is at my house getting ready while I distract ellie from going to my house or wanting to. She's at an audition for the maze runner right now so I'm waiting for her. I decide to make it seem like i cheated. I wrinkled my shirt up and messed up my hair. I also ate cherries which was the worst part about this whole thing. I don't know where I got this idea but I did. I see her walk out and I get out of my car and smile at her.

"Hey babe" she says smiling. "Hey" is all I respond with. "When's your audition again" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Tomorrow also happy birthday" I kiss her and she pulls away after a second. "Why do you taste like cherries" she asks. I start to look worried. I think of response and all I can think of is the truth. "Uh nothing I just had some"

"You hate cherries" she backs away and examines me. "Who"

"What?" I say confused.

She look at me hurt and I want to go to my car and show her the bag of cherries I bought but I don't. "Who is she"

I think of someone to say and I decide my agent is the best bet. God I hope lily doesn't kill me for what I'm about to say. "She's my agent and it wasn't me she kissed me and I didnt kiss her back I swear"

She starts to walk towards her car which then turns to a sprint. "Ellie wait!"

I yell chasing after her. When I get to the car her head is on the steering wheel and she's gripping it with her hands. I knock on the window and then open the door and slide in. I shut the door and face my whole body towards her. "She kissed me and I pulled away" lie. I hate I'm making this lie because I ate cherries for her but she'll never know because she probably won't come to my house.

She starts shaking her head.

"Get out" she mumbles. "What- ellie please just" she cuts me off from speaking again.

"Get out of my fucking car Dylan" I sigh and do as she says and get out. Once I'm out she drives off. I run to my car and drive to her apartment i see her car stop and then she continues driving. I text Brooke telling her to take my car after I follow ellie. I follow her and she stops at the one place I didn't think she would stop at. Eric's.

I watch her knock on the door and he opens the door shirtless. My blood boils. He motions for her to come inside and she accepts the invitation. No no no. I get out of my car and wait til I see Brooke and Joe in Brooke's car. Joe comes and takes my keys. "She's in there" i say through gritted teeth. "He's gonna do something and I need to stop it"

"Eric get off of me!" I hear someone yell and I run to the door and start banging on it. Shit shit shit. I hear moaning and I fucking lose it. I continue banging on the door til I realize it's no use.

I step backwards about to kick down the door when Ellie opens it. Tears dripping her face and everything a mess.

She walks passed me and im so pissed that im the reason he did that to her I say something im gonna regret later. "I get your upset but fucking your ex is another level of messed up"

"Whatever" is all she says.

"Why'd you come here" I ask. I don't wanna know but I need to. "I don't know"

"Was it to get back at me"


"Was it because you missed him"


"Then why"

"I don't know"

She starts tearing up but then speaks again. "I tried to leave once I got inside"

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