chapter 01: pilot

Start from the beginning

"Here, honey"- Pattie said, handing him a medicine dispenser syringe filled with the strawberry-flavored vitamin supplement that he needed every day. She slipped inside his mouth and pushed the plunger, giving the medication- "Good job. Do you want some water?"- she giggled, looking at his disgusted face.

"Yes, please"- he coughed, laughing as well. Kenny uncapped the bottle and handed it to Justin, who sipped immediately before giving it back- "Bleh!"

Ryan's phone started to ring but he turned it off hearing the screams of the awaiting Beliebers as they got to the radio station. Kenny got off the van first and the radio security helped them get thru the fans. Justin made sure to greet everyone before finally getting the interview started. His crew just sat and watched the conversation, which didn't take long at all. Right after meeting and taking pictures with every fan there, they were back in the car off, to another interview.

"I have a headache, really bad"- Justin complained after being stuck in traffic for a little bit.

"You want some Advil, bud?"- Scooter asked, in a seat by the window. Justin shook his head and quieted down.

Pattie leaned over from the seat behind them and proceeded into massaging his temples. Justin laid his head on Allison's shoulder and began to doze off with the car movement but was startled by Ryan's phone yet again.

"Ryan!"- Justin whined.

"Sorry, bro. I have no idea why my mom keeps on calling me today. I'll just call her back when we get to the studio"- he answered, turning his phone to silent. Justin nodded, closing his eyes back and falling asleep almost instantly.

They soon got to the E! Network Studios, where Justin would be filming some episodes of the Chelsea Lately show. He got off the car and into the dressing room, where he immediately collapsed on the couch. Pattie looked over at Scooter and they stared at the exhausted celebrity sprawled out on the sofa.

"Hon, do you feel okay?"- Pattie asked, sitting on the edge of the couch, and running her hands thru his hair. It was unusual for him to be so laid back after just one interview as he was used to hopping from one place to another.

"I'm tired"- he whined, curling up in a small ball and covering his body with a cushion- "I feel achy. Are we going back to the hotel after this?"

"Actually, yes, buddy. But you're filming a few episodes so it should take a while"- Scooter answered, rubbing his back. Justin just nodded and closed back his eyes, allowing sleep to take over.

Meanwhile, Ryan excused himself, calling his mom back with the speed dial. He used to talk to her every week, but it was very unusual for her to call him. She was always telling him that she waited for his call so she would not disturb his work, so her missed calls almost worried him.

"Hey, mom! I'm sorry, I've been kind of busy today. Is everything okay? You've been calling"- he said when she picked up. She giggled at his worries and quickly brushed him off.

"Hi, Ry. Don't worry about it, everything is okay... well, maybe"- she answered, and he furrowed his eyebrows. Well, now he was worried.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, I've finally got that job offer back and it is an amazing opportunity that I'm really not looking forward to turning down".

"Congrats, mom! I knew you would get it! But, what's wrong though? That's really great news!"- he cheered, not really getting what was the matter.

"Well, the offer is in London, and I'll have to share an apartment with another writer for at least three months until they really approve my work, and I can get my own place. I really don't know how to ask you that but, do you think you could take Mackenzie for some time? I can't take her with me".

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