Joohyun covered her small heart with her hand for three seconds just to make sure that she's still alive before running back to her house.

She skillfully climbed over the wall and tree and returned to her bedroom on the second floor. After sitting down for a while, a knock rang from the door.

"W-who?" Joohyun asked, still full of guilt.

"It's me." Chen Yang's voice came from outside.

"O... oh." Joohyun hurriedly stood up to open the door and smiled after looking at her own brother.

Chen Yang saw her sister's head full of sweat, he couldn't help but wondered, "How come you're sweating?"

"Ah?" Joohyun raised her hands in panic and wiped the sweat on her face, she dryly smiled, "It's... to hot."

"You haven't turned on the AC?" Chen Yang noticed that Joohyun's room was very hot at this moment. The weather in August was the hottest time in the capital, and even though it's already evening, it was still very hot.

Chen Yang walked into the room and picked up the remote control to help Joohyun turn on the AC. He knew that many children in the countryside were very economical after coming to the city, so he thought that Joohyun was also reluctant to turn on the AC for this same reason. He wanted to say something but was afraid of hurting his sister's self-esteem. After contemplating for a while, he decided to say, "Summer in the city is very hot, it's best to turn on the AC when you're inside the house, otherwise we would worry if you got a heatstroke."

"En, en, I know." Joohyun didn't even notice her brother's careful attention for her glass heart.

"Then, go and take a bath, we'll eat dinner in a bit." Chen Yang put down the remote control.


Waiting until Chen Yang walked out, Joohyun sighed and leaned against the door, patting her small chest while secretly whispering 'It's a close call'.

After Joohyun took a bath, changed her clothes, and went downstairs, the food in the kitchen was almost ready too. Because they wanted to give a welcome dinner to Joohyun, the Chen family who usually only had simple meals on the weekday, rarely made a table full of dishes today. During dinner, Mother Chen kept on picking dishes to Joohyun's bowl, Joohyun can't refuse easily, so she could only eat until her stomach almost bursting.

"After two days I'll send someone to change your residence's registration, do you want to change your name?" Mayor Chen asked.

"Change name? Why should I change my name?" Joohyun tilted her head in puzzlement.

"Then it won't be changed, let's still call you Joohyun." Although Mayor Chen wanted to keep the name she saved for her daughter, but, after all, Joohyun had already used to this name, and it was inconvenient to change it.

After hearing this, Mother Chen couldn't help but ask, "Who helped you get this name? Why is it called Joohyun [fish], was it because you like eating fish as a child?"

"No." Joohyun shook her head, "My name is the old man's... cough...grandpa's choice. It was supposed to be picked from the 'prince' side character that means 'fine jade'. But when I went to the village register, the village head uncle made a mistake and wrote it as fish from carp fish. When grandpa found out, the account had already been registered, and grandpa was too lazy to change it, so he just use it until now."

"Fish from 'carp fish' is also very good, it sounds very lively oh." Mother Chen smiled.

Mayor Chen also nodded with a smile.

"Do you think it's lively?" A trace of doubt flashed in Joohyun's eyes, "Do you have other associative connection?"

"Associative connection?" Mother Chen glanced to her husband and son, but the two people were also very confused.

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