The young man's expression instantly became dumbfounded, he was silent for a moment, and then spoke again: "My name is Chen Yang, your brother."


Thinking about her unfortunate past history at that time, Joohyun was in a mess. She always wanted to go to the capital for a look, so she struggled very hard for the past dozen of years to get a ticket for the train that could bring her to a whole new world, however, someone suddenly came and told her that her home was actually in the capital, what would she feel then?

Loss ah! A huge loss ah!!!

She remembered when she was in elementary school, how she woke up every day before dawn and walked through the mountains for two hours to go to school. She remembered how she would follow the old man to catch ghosts day and night every winter and summer vacation, while diligently finishing her homework. When she thought about college's entrance examination, she took an attitude of 'either succeed or die', the more she thought about her past, the more grievance she felt.

Why did I bother with all of that...?

"I told you a long time ago, you'd naturally leave the village when the time comes." When leaving Damu Village, 'Paranormal fraud' old man gave the cloth bag that he always carried to Joohyun.

"Old man..." Joohyun who usually gave the old man a cold shoulder, hated to part with him at this time.

"Don't give me that fake cry." said the old man while putting the cloth bag in Joohyun's arms, "I can't use these things anymore, you can take them ah."

"You still want me to inherit your mantel ah." Joohyun said, looking at the things inside the cloth bag.

"Your dad is the mayor, how would I dare?" The old man said in a bad mood, "You already lost two souls when I first brought you back, and because the loss of the souls happened for quite a long time, it can't be helped that there are some changes in your constitution. I let you practice metaphysics with me to enhance your physique, but I didn't expect that your talent of catching ghosts was actually quite good that you opened your yin-yang eyes by yourself ah."

"I first thought that it would be good as long as you can learn a few things, at least it can be a profitable trade."

Joohyun looked at the old man suspiciously, as if she wanted to say, you're still lying to me at such a time.

"When did I lie to you?" the old man fumed with anger, "When I was young, if someone wanted me to exorcise ghosts, if they didn't have at least a million yuan, even my face they wouldn't be able to see."

Joohyun's face: Since I can't verify it myself, you can just brag as you please.

"Forget it, forget it." The old man gave up defending himself, "Your father is the mayor, I estimate that you won't be lacking money in the future. It's just that, you have entered the (spiritual) door after all, the ghosts in the city are much fiercer than in the countryside, these things will give you some protection, it's best if you don't have to use them."

"You're actually willing to part with this compass ah." Joohyun pulled out a compass as big as her palm from the bag, she knew that the old man's most precious thing was exactly this compass.

"Don't drop it!" The old man took a posture of wanting to get it back.

Joohyun immediately withdrew her hand.

The old man clicked his tongue and continued to tell: "This compass is a spiritual tool, before you can use it skillfully, it would be best if you don't use it outside, else it'd be easy to lose it."

"Lose it? So it can run on its own legs ah." Joohyun said with disregard.

"You will know by then."

The old man still wanted to explain more things, but the girl's brother, Chen Yang, had come over. He politely said, "I'm sorry, but if we don't leave now, it will get dark before we can get out of the mountain."

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora