An old friend (1)

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Shays POV

we have just left Morning briefing, Kelly is once again late, I go into the common room and decided to give him a call, he never came home last night meaning he must have stayed at another girls place, it was kind of a regular thing that he would go out and not come back for days. 

"oi, im here stop calling me" I hear as I turn round to Kelly running in as he puts his phone away and I shake my head at him and follow him

"sooo, another lucky lady?" I ask him jokingly as I sit on the bench in the locker room whilst he puts his bag away and he looks at me and rolls his eyes playfully as he shuts his locker

"you know me to well shay" he says with a smile as he walks out and I follow him 

"I know you better than anyone Kelly, I'm gonna need details about this woman, is she the one this time" I joke as we both walk into the kitchen 

"you dont know me that well shay if you have to ask that..." he jokes back

"of course, the kelly severide, cant be tied down, hes married to the job" I mimic his words 

"I take it back you do know me" he jokes back as we both grab some food. 


half way through the shift Casey walks in with the new Truck candidate and introduces them to everyone, I dont look up as I keep scrolling through my phone 

"hey everybody, this is stella Kidd, truck 81's new candidate" I look up at the sound of that name 

"well, well, well, if it isnt The Stella Kidd" I say as I stand up and go over to her

" that you" she squeals as we both jump into each others arms "how are you doing, its been like what 7 years..." Stella says as I stand back 

"yeah, something like that, I didn't know you was training to be a firefighter" I ask confused, considering we both met at Med school

"change of plans, medicine wasn't enough adrenaline for me so I changed over to Fire academy after college, and I found my calling, I've loved every but of it so far" Stella says as I turn around and introduce her to everyone.

"its going to be so good to have you round again, we was the best of friends" I say as I walk out the common room leaving her to talk to everyone. 


shift was over, everyone was meeting at Mollys tonight, I text Stella the address I invited kelly also he did not refuse a free drink so he tagged along under the impression I was going to buy his drinks all night. 

in reality I just wanted him to be there so I can introduce him to Stella as I don't believe they actually met on shift as squad and truck were on separate calls for most of shift.

we opened the door to mollys and went to find a free table, Kelly sat down as I went to the bar and ordered 2 beers, 1 for me and 1 for Kelly. Once I  had got them I went over to Kelly and passed him his drink. I started drinking mine when Stella walked in and I raised my hand so she could see me and she came over. 

"kelly move over, let her sit down" I say as kelly looks up at Stella, looking her up and down before smiling and moving over as Stella sat down 

"sorry I'm late, just had something I needed to deal with at home" Stella says to me before looking at kelly "oh hi, Im Stella, im an old friend of Shay's I dont believe we have met" she holds out her hand and kelly shakes it "Kelly, Kelly Severide" 

"oh your squad 3's lieutenant aren't you" Stella asks as kelly nods "the one and only" he responds back smugly as he keeps eyeing her up as stella gets up "Ill be back, im just going to get a drink" Kelly keeps looking at her as she walks to the bar and I kick him from under the table

"oww what was that for" he said looking at me as I laughed "put your eyes back in your head Severide" I say jokingly as he shakes his head and drinks some more of his drink 

"so is that your old college room mate, and now 51's new candidate" Kelly asks as I nod and he  tuts "damn, I guess shes out of bounds then" Kelly jokes as I kick him again and we laugh as Stella returns with a drink for herself and 2 more beers for me and kelly. 

she sits back down next to kelly as we start telling kelly some memories from college. a while later Stella excuses herself as her phone is ringing and she heads over to a quiet part of the bar I look over at her and I can't hear what shes saying but the conversation looked heated. she soon started making her way back over to us. 

"Sorry, I'm going to have to go, something come up, it was lovely to meet you Kelly, I guess I will see you at work" she smiles at Kelly as Kelly nods and then stands up 

"Ill see you out" he says as I laugh a little, since when did he become so charming I watch them walk out as I finishing drinking my drink. 

Kelly comes back shortly and I look at him with a look on my face that says "what was that about" 

"so Stella Kidd huhh" I say as Kelly chokes on his drink "what about her" he asks me confused

"you so like her?" I ask teasing him as he flicks some of his beer at me and we laugh. he is so into her. I bet I could work some magic, I know both Stella and Kelly and know they would be perfect for each other. 

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