Back in command (63)

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Kellys Pov

today was Stella's first day back to work, Leo was accepted into the same daycare as Delilah, we had just dropped them both of, and was now pulling up at the firehouse I turned to stella to see her wiping her eyes "hey, hes going to be fine, it will get easier to leave him, plus Delilah will look after him" I say as she nods and finishes wiping her eyes. 

I climb out the car and grab my bag as I put it over my shoulder and wait for stella. she comes by my side and we head inside "well well well, look what the cat dragged in" gabby says running over to us as she hugs stella "glad to have you back girl, we have missed you" she says as we head inside. 

everyone comes over to welcome Stella back before we all head to the briefing room. "good morning 51, just a few announcements this morning" Chief says standing at the front "first of all a big welcome back to Lieutenant Kidd, she will be back in her original spot on truck as of today" he says as everyone cheers and I look at Stella smiling at everyone and nodding 

"secondly, for those that were aware, Otis has put in for his leave as he has had to fly over to Russia suddenly to be with his family, taking Otis place permanently will be Firefighter Carver" Chief says pointing to door where Carver comes walking in "glad to be back. hope you didn't miss me, oh wait I never left...glad to be sticking around Chief" he says cockily as I roll my eyes "good to have you here permanently, Carver" Chief says as he points to a chair and carver goes and sits down. 

the Chief makes a few more announcements before he dismisses us. I walk out and wait for stella, I see her walking out with Carver as they are talking she doesn't notice me as her and carver walk off down the hall and I follow them "so looks like you were right about sticking around, you got your wish" Stella says as they both head to the common room "and now I get to work under you...what could be better" he says back to her just as the alarms go off for truck and ambo I watch them both run out as I grab Shay as shes about to run out 

"keep an eye on Carver for me" I whisper as shay nods "I will, but Im sure Stella can hold her own" shay says as I nod and let her go. 


calls were coming in hot and fast today I don't think there was a time where all rigs were in. Squad was on their way back from a call when dispatch came through on the radio to assist at another call. 

when we pulled up we saw everyone from 51 already at the scene. I climb out and head over to Boden "whats going on" I ask boden as he fills me in on the incident 

it was an electrical fire, which was spreading through the walls, I seen Truck evacuating the building with victims as Boden ordered me to get my men in to do one final check

"on it chief" I say as I turn to my men "you heard him, lets mask up, Cruz you with me, Capp tony you keep looking downstairs" I say as I put my mask on and we all head inside

me and Cruz head upstairs to search for any remaining victims, each room we checked in was clear and I go onto my radio "all clear upstairs chief" I say as I look around one last time and still seeing no one. "Emergency, everyone out now" I hear over the radio as I hear the floor beneath me creak. I look down and try to move slowly hoping the floor doesn't fall beneath me. As I'm focused on the floor I don't see the wall in front of me starting to crack as the brick structure falls and lands on top of me 

"SEVERIDE" I hear from Cruz as my body collides with the floor and a heavy weight lands on my chest. 


Stellas POV

I was stood with the ambo making sure the victim we just pulled out was okay when I hear some cracking coming from the roof "Emergency, everyone out now" I heard Chief shout over the radio. I walk over to my men as we look up at the building. the chimney starts to collapse into the building. 

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