B is for Big sister (41)

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Stellas POV

Shift ended some time ago and now me and kelly had taken Delilah to the park, after we picked her up from day care, we still haven't explained to her about the baby yet, we don't even know if she will understand, but we are going to try. she was playing on the slide, climbing up the steps before sliding down the slide, we watched on a nearby bench as she ran up the steps and down the slide over and over again

me and Kelly chose we will give it a go in trying to tell her "hey baby, come here" I say in a soft voice as Delilah looks over at me as she lands at the bottom of the slide, she gets up and runs over to me and jumps into my arms as I place her on my lap facing Kelly. 

"mummy and daddy have some news to tell you princess, but first we got you something" Kelly says as she looks at him and smiles. Kelly pulls out the t-shirt we bought her after shift that says "B is for Big sister" he shows it to Delilah, who obvioculy thinks nothing of it as is unable to read, kelly places it over the vest top she already had on 

"it says..." kelly begins as he points to the words on her top "B is for Big sister" he says slowly, as Delilah looks down at the words "Beeeee....zzzz" she says mimincing the noise of a bee as she flaps her hands to pretending to be a Bee. Me and kelly chuckle a little "Yeah B is also for Bee" kelly says as  I grab the scan pictures from out of my bag and hold them out in front of Delilah. 

"look Dee, this is your little brother or sister" she looks at me and then at the photo's  "mummy and daddy are having a baby, like you but smaller" I say bopping her nose as she looks at me and giggles "Baba" she says in her baby voice as I smile.

"yes princess, a baba" I say as she looks at the scan photo and points at it "Baba" she says again 

"yes, clever girl thats the baba" kelly says as Delilah takes the scan pictures out of my hand and brings them closer to her face "aww baba" she says as she kisses one of them. I look at kelly and smile as I try to hold back the tears. kelly wraps his arm round me back and strokes my side as he smiles. 

"are you excited to be a big sister" Kelly says as delilah looks at him "bwig sisser" she tries to copy kelly as kelly cheers a little "yeah big sister" he replies as delilah giggles, she then slides down my legs with the photo still in her hands as she looks down at them, I take out my phone and take a picture of her. just then 2 people walk past us as delilah looks up at them "wook baba" she says holding the scan photos up to the two strangers"me Bwig sisser" she says a little excited. 

the pair stopped and turned to look a Delilah, I quickly grab Delilah "Delilah haha" I say with a laugh "I'm sorry, shes just a little excited" I say placing her back on my knee  "dont worry, shes a cutie, congratulations" the female of the 2 says as I look up, the pair of them looking at Delilah whipsering between themselves as I hear the male say "Its her?" the male sees me looking at them then pulls the female away, as they walk off they both keep looking back at us a few times as they talk amongst themselves.

"that was odd right?" I ask kelly as he looks at me oblivious "what was?" he asks as he tickles Delilahs hands.

"they were really staring down at Delilah and whispering something" I say as kelly looks at me and laughs a little "your just paranoid, they was probably just admiring her cute little face" kelly says as he squeezes her cheeks earning a giggle from her. 

"yeah I guess so..." I say not fully convinced. Kelly takes Delilah off me as we head back to the car to head home. I get in the passenger seat as kelly buckles Delilah in, I sit and look out the window whilst I wait for kelly to get in. I turn my head to the front window so im now looking at the trees, I burrow my eyes a little as I notice the 2 strangers from earlier looking at us. stood between the tree's

"kelly..." I say not taking my eyes off them.

"one minute babe..." I hear kelly say as I turn my head to kelly who is lent over the car seat to buckle Delilah in "Kelly, we are being watched" I say as kelly turns his head to look at me then moves back out of the car, I turn my head back to where I saw them. they have gone, no one is there "where?...who? I dont see anyone" I hear from kelly as he looks around. 

"the 2 strangers from earlier, they were stood right there between them trees" I say as kelly shuts Delilahs door I watch him through the window as he walks towards the trees and looks around he looks at me through the window and shakes his head as he walks back towards the car, he opens his door as he climbs in "theres no one around Stella" Kelly says as he looks at me like im crazy. 

"I know what I saw Kelly, Im not crazy, they were stood right there about 30 feet away from us" I snap at him as I point towards where I seen them, he puts his hand on my leg "hey I didn't say you was crazy...look if someone was there, then they are not now, they may have been looking at something else, but I didn't see anyone, just try not to worry, you are probably making a something out of a nothing" Kelly says as he squeezes my leg a little, before starting the car.

we drove back home in silence, I couldn't get the image of the 2 of them staring right at me out of my mind, trying to work out what they meant when I heard them whispering saying "its her" who was they referring to, me or Delilah. 

am I really just being paranoid, is it my hormones just playing tricks on me. I dont know but I hope whatever it is, it passes soon. 

Stellaride - A CinderStella StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora