We've got this Stella Severide (39)

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Kellys POV

"It means, congratulations...Stella's Pregnant" Manning says as me and Stella look at each other in shock. I grab her hand as I stroke it as she squeezes my hand, she then looks back at manning

"do you know how far along I am?" she asks as manning as she reads Stellas file 

"looking at your HCG levels in your blood I would say about 5-6 weeks. The fetus will be very much visible to see on an ultrasound I can go grab the machine and do one for you." manning asks "yes...of course, lets see our baby" Stella says as she smiles, I smile up at her as I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb. Manning heads out of the room to grab the ultrasound

Stella turns her head to me "am I dreaming, did I actually wake up earlier, this is real right" she asks as I pinch her hand and she squeals "yep, its real" I tell her as she lies her head back and lets out a deep breathe 

"are we even ready for this" I hear her say as I stand up and run my hand through her hair "no one is ever ready for this, but we have what...8 months at tops, to prepare for him or her to arrive. we've got this Stella Severide" I say as she places a hand on my face and smiles.

"when did you get so good at knowing what to say" she says as I just raise my eyebrows and chuckle, I go to answer her but hear a voice come from behind us as manning walks in with the ultrasound "right, lets have a look at baby severide" Manning says as she rolls it round the other side of Stellas bed. 

"have you had a scan before" she asks stella as she shakes her head "no, first time" she says as natalie turns on the machine

"okay now this is a first....never had to scan someone in a wedding dress, but I'm gonna need you to take it off so I can get to your stomach, is that okay" she asks as stella nods "I will go wait outside whilst you get undressed" she says before heading out, stopping to look at me "just come grab me when shes done" she says as she closes the curtain and heads outside. 

I look at Stella and help her up off the bed she sits up and looks at me "not how I pictured you getting me out of this dress" she jokes as I pull the top half from around her "we can always put it back on when we get home" I say back as I pull it down her legs

"won't be the same Though" she says this time a little saddened and I fold the dress and place it on the chair before turning around and grabbing her hands "we could always plan a wedding part 2...we still need to have out first dance, lets say, everyone wears exactly what they wore today, and we will hold the reception in a couple of days at Mollys like previously planned. it will just be like this never happened" I say as she smiles "I would like that...although if this never happened we wouldn't know about this little one"she says placing a hand on her stomach. I look down and smile as I place my hand on the other side of her stomach

"That's very true" I say as I rub her stomach a little "hey this might also explain your really bad mood swings lately" I say as Stella looks at me not looking impressed as she hits my arm a little

"sorry, clearly still a touchy subject" I joke as Stella roles her eyes.

"yeah, so dont expect them to be any better now, they're only going to get worse with all these hormones" stella says as she lies back down against the bed

"ohh lucky me..." I say jokingly before I lean over and kiss her, I then go and grab Natalie

she walks in then heads over to the machine where she picks up the tube of gel "now this will be cold" she says before placing it on stellas lower abdomen, stella tenses up a little

"ohh I say..." she laughs a little, I take a hold of her hand once again as Natalie runs the wand around to spread out the gel, she then turns on the screen as she moves the wand around a little less "and there's baby" she says turning the screen to us, I look at the screen and in the middle of a black mass I see a smaller grey blob moving around a little. 

my eyes begin to fill with tears as I bring stellas hand to my lips and kiss it "That's our baby" I whisper as Stella turns to look at me, her eyes also filled with tears. I move closer to her as I kiss her forehead, I look down at her and use my free hand to wipe her tears "were having a baby" I whisper in excitement to her as she smiles, placing a hand on my face as she pulls me in to kiss her. 

I rest my forehead on hers for a couple of seconds before she turns her head to look back at the screen I stand back and look at the screen also. Manning starts to take some measurements then prints out a picture for us, she hands it to stella as she turns the screen off, we both look down at the picture in stellas hand.

"so according to the measurements, you are around 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I will send all these details to our maternity ward and someone will be in touch with you to arrange your next check up." Dr Manning says as she places some papers in a folder then looks at us

"right, well I will leave yous two to it, Dr Halstead should be in soon to assess your blood pressure, if that's all good then you should be good to go, congratulations again..." she says before leaving the room. 


3 hours later we were now discharged from the hospital, Manning gave Stella some change of clothes they had here so she wasn't walking around in her wedding dress, I placed her folded dress up in a bag and carried it around. 

we were sat in the cafe at the hospital finishing up eating as Stella was feeling a little peckish. whilst I waited for Stella to finish eating hers I rang Shay who agreed to come pick us up. 

"so are we telling anyone yet" Stella asks as I put my phone in my pocket 

"not yet, I just want to enjoy this moment just us for a while, if anyone asks about today, we will just say you were severely dehydrated and being tested for an underlying issue, take a week of furlough just to give yourself time to feel right, then when you return to work we will tell everyone, hopefully Boden will let you work in the bullpen at 51 then I can keep my eye on you and look after you" I tell her as she smiles

"Great idea" she says as she finishes her drink, my phone alerts me with a message as I look at it

"it's shay, shes outside" I say as I stand up and help stella up out of her chair. I link my arm in hers as we walk out of the hospital and into shays car. I let stella sit in the front as I sit in the back, I see Delilah asleep in the car seat as I look at shay "has she been good" I ask as shay turns to me and looks at Delilah

"an angel, barely heard a peep out of her, but I now know Frozen word for word, shes obsessed with that film, 3 times she watched it" shay says as we laugh. 

shay starts driving us home "so how are you feeling, what did they say caused it" she asks as I look at stella waiting for her to tell her "dehydration, and they are looking into an underlying health issue, which im waiting on test results for" Stella says pretty convincingly as Shay nods "your okay though right, everyone was so worried" she says as She looks at Stella quickly

"Yeah, I'm okay, better than okay" Stella says as she looks over at me and smiles before looking back at shay. 

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