all in a Heartbeat (43)

651 12 3

1 month later

Kellys POV

Me and Stella are at the baby's 12 week scan appointment, today is the first day also we took Delilah back to day care, Stella has been too worried to let her out of her sight just in case, but I managed to convince her she will be safe at day care, as they wont let anyone other than me and her pick Delilah up. 

Stella's name was called out and we both stood up and headed into the ultrasound room. stella got herself onto the bed and lay back

"how you feeling today" Asher asked as stella nodded "yeah not too bad, excited to see the little one again" stella says rubbing her hand across her stomach

"so we are 12 weeks today" asher asks as she reads stellas files "lets take a look" she continues to say as she grabs the gel and places it on stellas stomach. she takes the wand and moves it around, locating the baby instantly. "and there he or she is, looking nice and healthy, look here, you can see their little arms and legs moving" she says pointing it out on the screen, I smile at the little movements on the screen as I take a hold of Stellas hands.

"now im just going to check the heartbeat, are you ready to hear it" asher says as both me and stella nod enthusiastically "okay then..." asher shays as she turns the volume on, the steady sound of a heartbeat fills the room, it was one of the most amazing sounds I think ive ever heard, that was my son or daughters heart beat. 

I closed my eyes as I listened to it, biting the inside of my lip as I tried to hold back the tears. I feel stella squeeze my hand as I open my eyes to see her looking at me with tears in her eyes. I smile at her as I lean over and kiss her. 

"we made this, we created a life, its so crazy" I say as Stella wraps her arms around me, I hear her crying into my neck as I hold her tighter.

she pulls away as I wipe her eyes. she smiles at me as I stay stood next to the bed as we both look back at the screen watching the baby make little movements as we keep listening to the sound of their heartbeat. "I could listen to it all day" I say as Stella grabs my hand again and kisses it "me too" she whispers as Asher turns the volume down so she can talk 

"Okay, sorry to end it there, but ive got all I need, everything is looking good, the only thing im concerned about is your blood pressure, it is quite high, so im gonna need you to take it easy over the next 4 weeks, and I will see you again for your 16 week scan" she says as she turns the screen off, and passes us a scan picture

stella wipes the gel of her stomach as she sits up "yeah, of course, I will try my best" stella jokes as she stands up. "well, see you again soon" asher says as we both leave the room.


we decided to pick Delilah up early from day care as Kelly was called into work to look at some reports on recent arson cases and I just wanted to rest at home, so we picked Delilah up so I didn't have to go back out and get her later. 

I put frozen on the TV for her as she stood in front of the TV watching it, dancing and singing the songs as each one came on. I lay down on the sofa watching her trying my best to stay awake. the lack of sleep this past month catching up with me as I felt myself drift off to sleep

just before I fell asleep, I heard the door handle jiggle and I sat up and looked at it, I look at the time on my new phone, kelly said he wont be back for hours. I slowly stand up and grab Delilah and run into my bedroom and close the door behind me, I hear a thud, sounding like the door had been kicked in and footsteps enter the apartment. I place Delilah on the bed as I quickly pull the drawers in front of the door to stop anyone trying to come in.

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