The First Visitor (53)

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Stellas POV 

"babe...Stella, look who's here" I hear from kellys voice as I open my eyes slowly, I see him stood at the side of me holding a baby in his arms smiling down at me, I sit up as he gently passes him to me, he places his hand on my shoulder as I look down at him. I adjust the blankets from his face as I start to get emotional again. 

"ugh these damn hormones, will I ever be able to look at him and not cry" I say I chuckle a little and wipe my eye with my free hand. 

"we also have a visitor, she was dropping a patient off at Med and bumped into Asher who told us where we are..." I hear kelly say as I turn my head to look at him "who?" I ask as he points to the door and I turn around to see shay waving and I smile "she can come in" I say as kelly hand gestures for her to come in, she opens the door and walks over to my bed. 

"I see blueeeee..." shay says excitedly as she tiptoes over, she pokes her head over to look at him as she gasps and squeals a little "oh my god he is gorgeous, congratulations you two" she says as she kisses my head then looks up at kelly as she walks around and hugs him. I watch them hug before returning their gaze back to me and the baby.

"so, come on, have you gave him a name yet" shay says as she places her hands on her hips and me and kelly look at each other grinning "we have...this one was Kellys idea and I loved it, and you might too" I say as she looks at us confused " haven't named him Leslie have you" she says as we both shake our heads "No! although I like that one for a girls name" I say looking at kelly "woah hold your horses, lets get this one home before you start planning another" Kelly says as we all laugh

"so come on, whats his name" shay asks as I look at Kelly letting him do the honours "well, shay, meet Shayne...well thats what he will be known as eventually but his full name will be Leo Shayne Kidd - Severide" Kelly says as Shay puts her hands to her mouth in shock "thats almost like my name" she says as kelly nods "duhh that was the whole point" he says jokingly as Shay hits his arm. 

"oh and theres one more thing" I say as shay looks at me "do you want to hold your Godson" I say as she looks at me shocked "Godson...what...oh my god...I need to sit down" she says sitting on the chair beside the bed as she laughs, she takes a deep breath and stands up and holds out her arms "okay, im over it...give me my Godson" she says laughing as kelly takes him from my arms and passes him to shay. 

"aww hes a little dot, how much did he weigh?" she asks stroking his face "5lb 1oz" kelly says looking at them both as he smiles down at Leo. 

"so how are you feeling" shay asks looking at me as I smile and run my hand through my hair letting out a deep breath "exhausted but so in love" I say looking at Leo then at kelly who is already looking at me smiling. 

shay lifts up his hat and lets out a high pitched squeal before she puts the hat back down "hes got a lot of hair" she says as she looks at kelly "clearly gets that from you" she jokes as I laugh. kelly flicks her ear as she laughs too. 

"right well I best be off, I left Gabby with all the paper work, I only told her I was going the toilet" shay says passing Leo back to me as she places her fingers on her lips "shh, dont tell her I was here" she jokes as she gives me a kiss on the cheek then hugs kelly "congratulations again...message me ive finished shift and I will bring Delilah to see him" she says as we both nod as she leaves, blowing us a kiss and waving before walking out of sight. 


a couple of hours had passed Leo started to get a little cranky "can you go grab a nurse to get me one of his bottles from earlier I think hes hungry again" I ask kelly as he nods and goes out the room to get the nurse.

I look down at Leo and stroke his hand as his eyes start to open a little, but close immediately "Hi baby, I'm so glad you're here safe and sound, even if you wanted to come a month early and give mummy a fright" I say lifting him up and kissing the top of his head. his eyes once again open a little he flickers his eye lids before he closes them once again 

I hear rattling behind me and turn around to see Kelly walking back in with the nurse behind him "come quick, he keeps trying to open his eyes" I say to kelly as he starts running over we both look at leo as the nurse connects his bottle to the tube, she passes kelly the bottle to hold again as he holds it up Leo opens his eyes again, this time he keeps them open as his eyes move around. 

"I can't tell what colour his eyes are going to be yet" Kelly says as he pouts, "I want him to get at least one thing from me, he looks like you so much already" Kelly says as he strokes Leo's face. 

"im sure as he gets older, and his features mature he will look more like you" I say as kelly shrugs "I dont mind, I already know hes going to have my charms" kelly says winking at me "im going to teach him everything" he continues as I shake my head and laugh. 

Leo soon finishes his bottle and the nurse disconnects it from his tube "so will we be able to take him home whilst he's being tube fed" Stella asks as the nurse looks up at us "yeah, but not yet, we want to keep him for at-least 48hrs to keep an eye on his feeds and his breathing, however its entirely up to you if you wish to stay with him or go home, as looking at your notes, you are set to be discharged in a couple of hours"she tells me as I look down at Leo 

"oh im staying with him, im not leaving him" I say quickly as kelly rubs my shoulder "I can stay with him tomorrow so you can rest at home, im sure Shay wont mind keeping a hold of delilah until we can bring him home" Kelly says as I nod "yeah, sure that will work, I will express more milk and bring it in so yous will have enough to last the night" I say as the nurse nods "thats not a problem, we will do whatever will be best for you" the nurse says as she finishes taking notes and heads out the room. 

"can you grab him for a second I need the toilet" I ask kelly as he takes Leo from me, I slowly sit up as I bring my legs around the bed. I look up at kelly looking down at Leo and I smile, I step of the bed and walk over to the private toilet connected to my room. I wince a little and hold my side "oohh ow..." I say holding my side 

"you okay" I hear kelly as I nod and keep walking to the toilet "yeah, they did mention i would get period cramps afterwards as my womb contracts back, was not expecting them to be this painful" I say opening the toilet door and heading inside, I pull my trousers down the postpartum maternity pad i put on not long ago already full of blood, but I think nothing of it as they did say blood after birth was normal, I change the pad and I place the old one in the bin as I flush the toilet. 

I walk out of the toilet and head back over to the bed slowly as I get more period-like pains. I stand next to the bed and place my hands on it bend over a little as I sway a little "you sure your okay" I hear kelly say as I lift my head up and see him place Leo in the crib. "yeah, im fine, this is normal...the part they didnt tell me is that it hurts just as much as the contractions" I say as I feel a sharp pain and my legs go weak and buckle from under me "Ahh fuck..." I scream in pain as I hold my side.

I hear Kelly run round to me as he tries to help me up, I start to feel faint as my head drops down, and I see blood on the floor "Kelly..." I say as he looks down 

"Can I get some help in here" I hear kelly shout as he holds me up, my vision starts to go blurry until it all goes black.

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