Whats Meant to be, will be (25)

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Stellas POV

after sitting in my car for a few more moments I composed myself and headed home. 

once I got there Kelly was in the kitchen making us some dinner. I walked over to the sofa and fell onto it and screamed into a cushion 

"heyyy....whats wrong" I hear from kelly as I sit up and look at him "shes gone...." Is all I say and kelly drops the utensils on the side and comes over to me. he sits next to me and wraps me in a side hug as he strokes my hair 

"it will be okay..." he softly says as I start to cry in his chest 

"I feel like I've lost my own child...I got attached to her Kelly, even though they warned me this might happen...why did you let me do this" I say as I continue crying into him, instead of him arguing back at me, I just feel him stroke my back as he holds me tightly. 


I must have fallen asleep in Kelly's arms as I am now being woken up by my phone ringing. I get up slowly and answer it

"Hello" I answer the phone with

"hey, Stella, its Amanda, are you home" amanda asks

"Yeah, I am, whats wrong" I ask her confused 

"Nothing, I just need to see you" she says before ending the call 

"well that was weird" I say putting my phone down and kelly looks at me 

"who was it" he says as he sits up. 

"Amanda...she asked if we were home" I say as I move closer to kelly and cuddle into him.

"maybe she wants to see if we are still up for fostering, other kids" Kelly says as I shrug not really wanting to think about it. 


Half an hour later we hear a knock on our door and I get up to answer it knowing it could be Amanda, I open the door to see Amanda holding a scared looking Delilah in her arms, her face lighting up when she sees me

"she came back to us this evening, she wouldn't settle with her new foster parents...I took things in my own hands and worked some magic and well..." she hands me some papers and I look at them they were foster papers and rights for Miss Delilah Rose Miller to be placed in the care of Miss Stella Kidd and MR Kelly Severide, I look up at her in shock 

"what...how" I ask confused 

"I did some convincing to the judge, she wasn't going to settle anywhere else and she would just keep coming back to us, because she wants to be with you and kelly" she says as I look at Delilah, she holds her arms out to me as I take her from Amanda and cuddle her

"she is all yours, now wheres that boyfriend of yours, I need him to come help me bring up her stuff" She says as we both laugh, I head inside as kelly comes out of the bathroom and looks at me with Delilah and looks confused 

"what's going on..." he says coming over to us and I cant help but smile as I pass him the foster papers and he reads them before a smile creeps on his face "she's ours" he asks as I nod and he comes over to me and hugs both me and Delilah

"now you need to go help Amanda with all her stuff" I say as I go over to the sofa and place Delilah on it as I play with her hands. 


Delilahs belongings were all brought up to the apartment, Amanda had left us be, I was lay on the sofa cuddling Delilah whilst Kelly sorted out all of her belongings. we agreed to go shopping tomorrow to get her everything she needs.

"come here, come cuddle we will sort the rest out tomorrow" I say holding out a hand for kelly, he walks over and takes my hand as he comes and sits beside me and I cuddle into him with Delilah still lay on my chest.

"I told you this was meant to be" I say as I look up at kelly, he looks down at me and smiles

"you sure did..." he leans down and kisses me as we hear a giggle from Delilah 

"was that funny?..." kelly says as he tickles her, only enlightening her giggles. she keeps pushing his hands away as kelly pulls them back before going in to tickle her again. 

he eventually stops as Delilah yawns "Ohh is someone tired" I say as I sit up and lie her down in my arms. "shall we all head to bed" I say looking at kelly as he stands up and helps me up, we didnt have a bed for Delilah just yet so agreed she can sleep in the bed in between us.

we head to our room as I first place Delilah in the middle of the bed before I get changed ready for bed, then climbing in next to her, I put my arm under her head as she cuddles into me, she falls asleep almost immediately, kelly soon joins us on the other side as he lies on his side to face me and Delilah and he smiles. 

"this suits you..." he says as I look at him and smirk "what does?" I say confused as he puts his hand on my arm and strokes it a little "this...you being a mum, you're a natural"  he continues as I smile at him and pout my lips for him to kiss them as I cant move, not wanting to wake Delilah. Kelly leans over and kisses me before he turns off the lamp then gets comfy. I feel his hand go across both me and Delilah

"goodnight...I love you both so much" he whispers to me as his hand slightly strokes my arm 

"I love you too...both of you" I whisper back as I close my eyes, it is not long before I fall asleep.

Stellaride - A CinderStella StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin