A Moment

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Currently I was in my bed switching through various channels on the TV screen to watch something interesting. I had been discharged after three day from the medbay and was told to be on rest for sometime. Kelsey would visit me now and then apart from the therapy sessions to meet me and she would always bring me cupcakes. She was a fair woman with blonde hair in her mid thirties. She had a daughter who had died in a car accident along with her husband ten years back. Tony, who had been her close friend since MIT offered to help her then but, she wanted to support herself. The incident made her realize the worth of loved ones and made her want to help others with therapy the way her therapist did. She once said that it brings her peace. If I ever thought about peace, my mind would stick to just one entity, Bucky. 

It finally felt good to know that he was close to me no matter what. He had been seeking therapy too and it was helping him fairly. It's been a week to when I got back to my room but not once did I get to see the face of Steve Rogers. I might be angry at him but he was my friend after all. Best friend actually. I know I told him that he was a nobody but didn't the others see me as well? Didn't they talk to me normally like any other person would? Didn't they all show their love and affection in their own ways? But this man chose to ignore me. I don't blame him though. It was my fault after all. A sigh escaped my lips and I threw the remote on the bed.

I got up and headed towards the tray of food that Nat left for me. A plate of sandwiches, the ones Wanda had made, and a glass of Bruce's famous strawberry banana and berry smoothie. God I love them so much. I took the tray to my bed and sat down as I ate the sandwich in small bites. It had been a week but I still had some hard time with consuming food. It won't stay inside me as I would throw it up an hour later or so. I just wanted this to stay in my stomach and fulfill my hunger. I was still struggling borderline. I finished my food and sat down with my book and pencil as I started sketching down an eye. Soon I was interrupted from my peaceful session due to knocking on the door. I looked up and saw the head of my ex- partner assassin peep out but he wore a big dark blue beanie? 

I noticed that he looked nervous and tensed as he tugged on the sleeves of his black leather jacket but he seemed excited too. I gave him a small smile as an invite to come in which he quickly caught on and entered on closing the door completely. "Hey Buck. How was your therapy?" I asked. "Uh it was fine. We talked about Seville today. Turned dark pretty quick but rest was fine." he shrugged at the end as he sat down next to me on the edge of the bed with him holding his hands over his knee as if he was contemplating over something. "What's up with the beanie?" I asked him as I sat down my book and rubbed his back. "So you did notice", he muttered. "Obviously, it ain't hideous." I said with a smirk but soon dropped it when I noticed him fiddling with his thumbs. It was a sign of anxiety which Kelsey had once told me about. I shifted near him carefully and asked him again. "Hey you okay right? Bucky, what is it?" I asked. I held his chin to look at me. He looked into my eyes carefully before letting out a sigh and then pulled down on his beanie with his left arm. I held a hand on my mouth in amusement when my eyes met with something I had been pleading for months. 

It was his short hair. The laughter took control over me and I let my head fall back as I drowned in it while he gave me an unamused look. I did an ugly laugh with a small snort, it was too much for me to handle. "Oh god, you hate it" he sighed again. "No no no no. It looks really good on you, Buck. Just how I'd thought." I said as I tried to bring my laughter to silence. "Then why are you laughing?" he asked in an innocent soft voice. "It's just your expression" I laughed out again. "You should've seen yourself. You were so tensed!" I continued in between of my laughs. "You are so awful" he said as he pushed me slightly into the bed as I laughed even more. "No but seriously it looks good. It's cute." I say as I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Cute? I thought I was supposed to look deadly?" he wondered aloud. "Deadly cute, yes." I said with a small sniffle. "Oh yeah?" he playfully retorted and attacked me with his hands around my stomach and neck as tickled me. 

He definitely knew of my weak and soft spots and kept tickling me there making me lay down on the bed completely. He continued on as he was on top of me till I patted on his chest as a sign of surrender. He let me calm down as I took some quick breaths before I took the window time and made us both turn with me now being on top of him. It was my time to attack as I mercilessly tickled him on the sides and on the neck and stomach. He let out laughs with scrunching up his nose in the process but suddenly he started coughing violently which made me pause immediately and take a better look at him. Just then he turned us both into the previous position but now, he took my hands under his knees and blocked me completely. 'Sneaky bastard', I thought as his face came close to me. "No smartness with me, doll". The sentence gave me butterflies in the stomach as I looked up to meet with his face dangerously close to mine. His eyes were dark blue unlike the other times. This time, they were coated with an emotion which was unknown to me. 

I looked into them and felt as if was drowning into those ocean blues, except it was like the color of the deep ends. His eyes flickered up and down and so did mine subconsciously. He started leaning his face closer to mine till the tip of our noses almost touched. Just then the familiar loud voice of the female AI boomed in the room. "Miss Dvorvak, Miss Romanoff askes for your presence in Miss Maximoff's quarters. It's urgent." Seriously Nat, now? Bucky came off of me and helped me sit straight as he pulled me up. His thumbs brushed over the back of my hands for a bit longer and then he let go off me. I could feel a little sadness radiating from his now steel blue eyes. "Umm I guess I'll head for training..." he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Its afternoon. Thought you only train in the morning?" I asked him trying to act casual. "Uh right. I'll just go talk to Steve.." he said and then turned to leave the room like a sad puppy. "Bucky-" I called out. He stopped and turned to look at me. "Wanna have dinner with me tonight?" I asked him hoping to get him smiling and I was right. "We can go out to a diner I once went to with the girls. I think you'll like it." I said. "I would like to." he smiled even wider. "So 8.00?" "8.00 it is. Bye, Natsya." he left the room smiling. Just hearing him call me 'Natsya' gave me fuzzy feeling in my chest. "Bye, Bucket!" I called from my room as he left. 

I looked down at my sketchbook and saw that the eyes I'd been drawing were none other than Bucky's. The man was causing an effect over me. It was all new to me but I was sure that it was good. I had certainly fallen for him. Maybe I could do a bit good with being out for sometime. The everyday walls of my room were getting boring over the time. Maybe I should repaint them. That would be refreshing. I quickly took my phone and headed to Wanda's room. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart when my moment with Bucky ended but she'll kill me if I am late. Did we really had a moment here? Was something happening between us both? Was it beginning to become something beautiful and happy? Guess, I'll figure it out later.

My Soldier (Bucky Barnes)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin