Having Him Back

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"Bucky?" I ask in disbelief. He doesn't say anything and just looks down. I walk up to him and slap him in the face. He looks at me in disbelief. "That's for scaring me" I say as I engulf him in a tight hug. His body stiffens for a moment but soon relaxes. "я скучал по тебе (I missed you)" I say in a whisper. "я скучал по тебе тоже (I missed you too)" he replies in his hoarse voice. We both pull back as he holds my hands in his rough and bigger palms and looks into my eyes. I looked at him for a moment and noticed changes in him. His hair was the same except it was having an unruly cut, maybe he tried to give himself a trim. His body had bulked up a little. His skin was no more pale. I turn to look at Steve. "So he was your mission? Huh." "Ana let me-" I cut him off by quickly hugging him. "Thankyou. Thankyou so much." "Well, I thought you might get angry." "Oh I am, trust me. Why didn't you tell me you were getting him back? I would've come too" I say with a little pout. "Surprise... I guess?" he said as he awkwardly shook his hands on the sides. "Well it's a great surprise. Thankyou so much, Steve." 

The whole team was called in and they introduced themselves while Tony and Steve bickered on the side of the room. I knew about Tony's past with the Winter Soldier. He had been the one sent by HYDRA to kill his parents. I knew this was going to be difficult for both to stay under the same roof but there was no other safe option. It ended with Tony letting out a huff and approaching us. "Barnes, you can stay with us but that doesn't mean you are no trouble. You are still in the radar as a fugitive but we'll work it out with some negotiations. I'll have your room prepared by tomorrow but for now, you gotta bunk with someone." "He can stay in my room till then" Steve said as he placed his hand over Bucky's shoulder. Tony nodded at that and immediately put a reminder to make the calls. We all headed to our rooms to rest for the night knowing we could talk more the next day. I felt happy to have him back.


I woke up to a discomforting smell of cedar. I had slept in Steve's room last night. The bed was uncomfortable so I had taken the floor even after Steve asking me not too. I rose up from the sheets and headed to the bathroom. I cleaned up myself and changed into the dry clothes that Steve had kept in last night. I walked out to find Steve pacing around. "Oh you were in the bathroom..." he said nervously. "You thought I ran away?" I ask as I look at my feet. "Sorry about it, it's just that- I don't wanna lose you again like did back then. I'm just happy we found you back-" he started on ranting "Hey hey don't worry about it", I say as I try to assure him. "I wanted to ask if you'd want to breakfast with all of us downstairs?" "Is Natsya gonna be there?" That made that punk smile. "Yeah. It's actually her idea to sit together. You like her Buck?" Alright that got me caught off guard. "What- uh no. She's a- she's a person I've known for so long so its kinda in my instinct to ask about her-" He laughed at my ranting. "Make it quick and come down. We've got pancakes. Delicious pancakes." With that being said, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

I put on a blue shirt and some black sweatpants that Steve gave me and left the room. As soon as I reached the floor, I was surrounded by the delicious smell of pancakes and syrup. Sam and a weird looking maroon-man greeted me, I greeted them back. Everyone had been chatting on the table as a red headed girl and Natsya brought in huge stacks of pancakes on the table. The entire group stopped talking and stared at their plates. Natsya quickly set down the syrup and pulled out a chair to sit next to me. She gave me a smile. "Good morning." "Morning", I said as I tried to give out a small smile. "Did you sleep well?" "Uh the bed wasn't comfortable, too soft so I slept on the floor." "Same thing, it took me three weeks to adjust to a bed. But once you do, sleeping on ground gets difficult." I nodded. It felt nice to hear her voice again. To see her living happily like she deserved but there was something behind those brown eyes that was hiding a part of the reality. "Ahh Rogers and Barnes, forgot to tell you two I've gotten through a bargain and managed to get Manchurian Candidate to stay with us." "Wait, Ross agreed? That's not Ross then, Stark" Steve said with confusion. "I'm really good at bargaining" Tony said defensively. Everybody eyed him suspiciously and I swear I saw  Natsya's eyes glow a little. How is that possible?  "Alright fine. I got some  evidence of his white collar crimes. They go out, he goes in. He had to agree." "Whoa, who knew Stark would do that?" Sam asked from his seat with a mischievous smile. Tony just glared at him. "Its just that Barnes would have to clear a mental eval and go mandated therapy for 3 months." Steve and I agreed to it.

After the breakfast, Steve took me to Bruce for a medical evaluation and then arranged for a therapist to start with from next week. I was now walking alone in the hallways. I knew my way around here by now. I was looking out of the huge glass windows that opened the compound to the beautiful lake outside. The sky was open and the grass was free but there was a figure who stood there. I walked out of the building and headed towards the figure. They had long wavy brown hair. Just then I slipped from over the grass and landed on my butt. "Ow" I said as I rubbed the spot but all I heard was laughter. "Omg are you okay?", I heard Natsya's soft voice ask me. I could feel my face turning red in embarrassment as she walked towards me. "There was a little mist last night so the grass is wet in some places", she said as she lowered her hand to help me get up. I held it and got up with her support. "I see", I said as I looked around. "What are you doing here then?" I asked her. "I usually come here to paint the scenery, I'm about to finish one right now. Come on." I followed her to a painting set up right in front of the lake. It was beautiful. "So welcome to my heavenly abode!" she said jokingly as I chuckle a little. I peered onto the canvas and saw she had been painting some swans in the lake and there were some bold red roses around. "What do you think of it?" "Its amazing, Natsya. How did you learn this?" I asked her in curiosity. "Your pal is quite a teacher. He taught me to paint and I caught up on the rest of it." "Is this the only one?" I ask. "One of the many. Tony made an art room for me. I have all my drawings there." "Wow..." I say in bewilderment. I looked at her and saw her messed up hair made her look beautiful. 

I sat on a stool next to her as she continued with detailing a few strokes. "So how was it in Romania?" she asked me as she colored the roses. "It was fine. I got a place there and people over there were quite good." "That's good, Buck. So you met anyone?" I heard some discomfort in her voice. "Uh no, but if you want to call having a super annoying and nosy neighbor as meeting someone then sure" I say with a shrug. She laughed a little and then went silent. "Did you meet someone?" I asked with a lump in my throat. I don't know why but the thought of her meeting with another man would get me fuming. "I did", she said with a little sadness in her voice. "He was a SHIELD agent and we had worked together for a few months." "Are you guys dating then?" I say with sadness evident in my tone as I looked down at my feet. "No" I looked at her, "He uh let's just say that we didn't think we could work out. And I don't think there's gonna be a chance with him. He no more works here" she said as she gave a quick smile. I felt a bit happy on hearing that. I know I shouldn't, its bad but somehow, I did feel that it was good she didn't get along with him. He could've been like the men from the past. I couldn't see her going through that pain again. We talked for a few more hours after she completed the drawing and then we headed inside with all the paints and stuff.

It was still bright outside when Tony took me with him to show me my new room. It was huge. The interior had been blue and white and there had been some furniture around the room. He even got a TV in there. I thanked him and decided to arrange some stuff. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said and then the door opened to reveal her standing there as she peeked out her head. "Hey thought you'd want some help" she said with a little smile as she walked in and sat on the bed. "Thanks. I don't have many things so it won't take much time." "That's fine." She arranged some books in the shelf as I kept some clothes in the closet. They weren't more than six pairs and I think she saw it too. "Get dressed, we have to get you clothes" she said as she started to leave the room. "Natsya its fine. I don't need much-" "Meet me downstairs in five" she said in a stern tone and left the room. I let out a sigh, she could be bossy some times. I put on a plain black shirt and some dark blue jeans and topped it off with a black jacket. I put my hair in a small bun and wore my only pair of shoes. I reached the lounge room and saw her chatting with Nat and Steve. She wore a white short top with some high waisted light blue denims. Her hair flowed freely to her waist. Natasha saw me first noticing the girl in front of her. She smirked a little and signaled Natsya to turn around. She looked at me and smiled. "Shall we go?" I nodded as an answer. "Wait how are you gonna pay or do you still have Tony's card?" Natasha asked her. "Why would she have his card- oh no, you do have his card, don't you" Steve said. "I didn't have to steal his card. I'm already his favorite. Alright let's go. Bye bitches!" she said as she pulled me along with her. 

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