I Will Protect You

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TW: Mentions of SA


Its been a few weeks to when I went shopping with Bucky. The therapy had been going good. I have been a little low on missions by choice although Steve thinks I'm fine and just giving an excuse to stay at the compound and watch Brooklyn Nine- Nine. Well, he ain't wrong. Tonight Tony had arranged a big dinner, By big dinner meaning huge amount of pizza from Joe's. He broke up with his ex and wanted to party around but we put a lil control on his party throwing ordeal. The man doesn't know where to stop spending money so Nat, Wanda and I took his cards. So far, he had been good. After finishing the pizza for dinner, we all chatted among ourselves. Sharon, an ex- SHIELD but now CIA agent who is now Steve's new girlfriend had joined us tonight. They had been dating for the last 1 month. The loverboy always wanted me to meet her. She seemed fine. I wasn't sure but she had a 'bitchy vibe' around. Not my words, Tony's. Always laughed extra hard on even the simplest conversations and gave a me a silent cold treatment. I don't think she liked me much for being Steve's girl bestfriend. Did I care? No. Steve is my best friend, I could never leave him deal with her alone. But other than that it was good to see Bucky interacting with others especially Sam. I think the two would hit off as best friends soon but Bucky thinks the otherwise. 

Tony and Nat continued on finishing their drinks when they suggested a game of truth or dare. I'd seen it on a few shows and it seemed pretty wild game. I was definitely ready for wildness. Everybody was denying to play but they somehow convinced them although Bucky needed a little persuasion from Steve and I. Right now we all had been sitting in a circle. Bucky sat next to me and Steve, who sat next to Sharon while Wanda sat on my other side. Nat was in my front next to Bruce and Tony while Sam and Rhodey sat next to Steve and Vision. Tony brought in an empty beer bottle and placed it in the center. He gave it a light flick and it rotated. It then landed on Bruce. "Alright Brucie, truth or dare?" Tony asked him in a mischievous tone which seemed to make the scientist nervous. "Uh truth I guess?-" "Do you ever feel like turning into Hulk in the bed?" Sam asked him shamelessly. Everybody other than Bruce roared in laughter after the question. "Come on man we need an answer!" "Yea Brucie. Come on" they all pushed him. "Maybe..." he answered sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck. "Damn Nat you're one lucky girl" Wanda commented. 

Bruce then spun the bottle and it ended up landing on Tony. "Your turn Stank" Rhodey commented. "Alright I choose dare cuz' I'm not a wuss like any of you. Bring it on!" "I dare you to kiss Sam" Nat said with a smirk. Both of the men groaned in disgust. Tony then walked over to Sam and kissed him and then went to the sink nearby to wash his mouth. "That's not cool man. Girls die for me!" Sam complained. Bucky laughed at it which made Sam snap his neck towards him. "What ya' laughing about huh. Before careful of what comes for you Bucknasty" he tried at threatening Bucky but failed when he gave the infamous icy glare. That was hot. Wait why am I thinking like that? I shouldn't. He'll leave you when he sees you. Soon Tony joined and continued the game. The bottle landed on me. I groaned silently but was enough for Bucky and Steve to hear it. "Alright Sparkles what do you choose?" I gave it a thought and said "Truth". "What was the real reason you tried to commit suicide?" 


"What was the real reason to why you tried to commit suicide?" I heard Sharon speak up without giving another thought. Was she being serious for reals? How dare she? I quickly got a hold of Natsya's hand and looked at her. She was equally shocked. It was as if she was being exposed by an unknown person. I could hear her breathing deeply and composing herself. "I choose Dare", she said politely to others not wanting to hurt herself or make the woman look bad. I know she was holding back for Steve's relationship but the woman was being a straight up bitch out of gutters. Throughout the night she gave a cold shoulder to poor Natsya and even tries to hit her were personal comments. What the fuck is wrong with her? Before Tony or Sam could open their mouths to ask her a decent question, she quickly stated her dare. "Tell me the reason why you tried to commit suicide." "Steve" I whispered to him warningly to keep his girl in her boundaries. 

"Sharon" he called her out coldly. "What babe, I just gave her a dare to tell me about it. It's simple" she said in her fake innocent voice before standing up and turning to look back at Natsya in an offensive way. "So tell me. It's a dare. Was it because you wanted attention? Or because Miguel rejected you for your dirty past with HYDRA?" Oh she hit a nerve. "SHARON!" Steve shouted from his place. "No Steve I wanna hear it from her. What was it Dvorvak? Cuz' you wouldn't kill yourself for a petty child's death-" she couldn't continue speaking for she got smacked in the face by Natasha. "Keep talking and I won't be the only one hitting you", she said furiously. We all stood up from our places at this point. "What's your fucking problem with me? She's the one who's the prude. I'm protecting ya' all!" Sharon continued, "How can you guys trust her at all?!" "Sharon stop it!" Steve hissed in anger. "Ms. Carter you must leave the premises immediately", said Vision.

I looked from the corner of my eye and saw Natsya running to the lift. Wanda looked at me in horror. "I'll try to handle her" she whispered to me and left the room. "Sharon enough" I said with a glaring tone. "Oh really? You don't know the real reason do you? How that bitch is a literal whore? That her and Rumlo-" Natasha didn't waste any time on getting her in a chokehold. "Bitch you've said enough- Steve get her out of here please before I can't stop myself from killing her." Steve quickly got a hold of his psycho girlfriend and left the room. We all stood still trying to process what had even happened to the good dinner we had. I ran a hand through my hair and went running for Natsya. I got into the elevator and then waited to reach her floor. 

As soon as it opened, I saw Wanda still banging on her door. "James! She's not opening the door." "Is she still-" "Yes, I can hear her thoughts, she's blaming herself. Why did that blond bitch had to do anything like that?" Wanda said a dreadful tone. I continued on trying to open Natsya's door. "Natsya, it's me, Bucky. Let me in. Please" I pleaded. "Go away. I-I want to be alone" I heard her broken voice. "It will only be me ok? Just me." At that she unlocked the door. Wanda took that as her cue to leave and I got inside the room. She sat in the corner of the room. "Natysa-" "It's all my fault. Miguel, he was the guy I had fallen for. He knew about me, I- I told him about it. He respected my privacy and never said a word to anyone. I know that." "Then how did she know?" "When she said his name, I realized that she might have loved him too but he chose me. I am so sorry Bucky" she cried out. I kneeled down in front of her and held her hand. "It wasn't your mistake-" "No Bucky, I am sorry I lied." Lied? What had she lied about? "What do you mean?" I ask her carefully. "I lied to everybody", she said. "I hadn't done an attempt because of the kid. It was because of my incompetency-" she paused to look at me in the eye and then looked down at her feet. "I couldn't kill Rumlow. I couldn't give him a taste of hell, the one he always gave us. Gave me and gave you. Sharon was right." "About what?" "Rumlow. He had, he- he had" she broke out in sobs.

I couldn't believe it. The girl in front of me whom I had made a promise with myself to protect was living in hell and back. I failed her. "Did he hurt you Natsya?" she looked a me with her red puffy eyes. A tear slipped down from my eyes. "Did he hurt you? In a bad way?" I asked her with caution. She just nodded. No. This couldn't be true. "He did it multiple times. Him and his men- I am so sorry Bucky. I am disgusting." "No it's not your fault. That bastard had messed with the wrong person. He is the most disgusting person. The worst of them. You made no mistake. You were helpless Natsya. I won't let anybody else come near you like that. I promise you." She looked up to meet my eyes. "You do?" "Yes." I said before engulfing her in a tight hug as she continued to sob into my chest. I held her like that till her cries became faint. I looked down towards her and saw her having slept. I picked her up carefully and placed her on bed. She shuffled a little. "Stay", I heard her say softly. I quickly laid down next to her and pulled the blanket on both. She snuggled into my chest as if her life depended on it.  I gave a soft kiss on her head. "I will protect you."

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