Welcome Home Bruce

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The sun beamed brightly while the cool breeze hit my body. It was enough to make the blood rush into my cheeks as I let out a soft breath. The trees around me covered in shades of green and the grass under my feet was soft like clouds in the sky. The lake in front of me was reflecting the blue hue of the sky above my head with some clouds dancing in it. I closed my eyes to take in the feel of my surroundings just then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and raised me into their chest. I squealed in surprise as they let out a soft breath onto my neck. It made me shiver, in a good way. A warm feeling rose within me as I let them carry me in circles. They let out a chuckle as I laughed. Soon they stopped and set me onto the soft grass carefully. I rested my hand onto the arms holding me. One was warm and soft while the other was cold and hard but it was comforting. I turned around to see the familiar set of steel blue eyes full of liveliness and care. He held me tightly by my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck. He nuzzled his straight and small nose onto mine while I let out a small chuckle due the feeling erupting in me. The birds chirped around us while I foreheads touched and we kept holding each other like that. It was until I heard a faint noise of beeping. I opened my eyes and saw that he was still holding me but something about the noise was pulling me away from him. The sun started to set and the trees were no more green. He vanished entirely as the Sun went down and I was left in nothing but pitch darkness but the beeping never stopped. What was happening? 

I felt my eyes opening which were then soon looking at the white ceiling. Oh not again! I had woken up in the medbay at the Compound. It all felt as if I was back to square one like, why do I keep waking up here? I looked to my right and found the familiar golden boy sitting next to me with his eyes closed as he held my right hand softly. On turning to my left side, I saw my wrist wrapped in bandages and gauge dressings as a drip wire was connected into my inner side except the liquid was red. I immediately remembered what had happened. I tried raising my right arm to get a better look but soon heard a whispered voice calling me. "Ana?" I saw Steve looking at me with a worried face. "Hey, take it easy there. You don't wanna open the stitches", he continued as a small smile creeped on his face. I just looked down in shame. "We don't have to talk about it yet. I'll wait for you to say it yourself when you're ready. We all are here for you." "Why did you save me, Steve?" I asked in a whispered tone. "What do you mean?" "Why did you save me?" "How can I not? You are my best friend, Ana. I care about you-" "I don't deserve it. I'm not even worth it." He held onto my hand while he brought his hand in lifting up my chin. He had a pained expression on his face. "Never say that. Ever. You are a part of this family. We all love you like family." "You aren't understanding me, Steve. My past doesn't make me acceptable of this love and care. This family. I love them too but, I don't deserve anything." "What did you see in the building? What was it?" he asked. I took a deep breath but I shuddered. 

"23rd May 1976. Oberlin, Ohio. A HYDRA mole, Jess Tienstone, had been selling some intel to the opposition about some assassinations by them. I was told to terminate her. I fought with her, she was a good fighter too. She kept attacking and hitting me in the ribs so I grabbed the chance and stabbed her with a knife. She fell into the kitchen but," I paused. "But what?" he asked as tears spilled from my eyes. "But I had no idea she had a son. She was a single mother. He was hidden next to some boxes and had seen everything. So I had to shoot him point blank in the head." I let out a sob. "I still, I still remember his pleas, Steve. "Don't shoot me", he evn cried on her lifeless body. That day I felt like a monster. In the building, there was kid hidden and- and it reminded me of that moment. I- I had even raised the gun Steve, I could've pulled the trigger if it wasn't for the explosion." He hugged me tightly as I cried. "It's fine now. We'll help you get over it" he whispered in my ears. After some moments of us talking, Nat and the team entered the room. "Oh thank goodness you're fine" she said as she hugged me tightly. "Never do anything like this ok? If you ever feel like it, you talk to us. Is that understood?" she scolded as tears fell down from eyes. "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry about it" I said to all. "You had us all worried sick, but I'm glad you're fine." We all spent some more time till they called it night.

 It been two weeks since. I was in bed as I sketched on my drawing board. I was humming to a song when I got interrupted by FRIDAY. "Miss Dvorvak, Mr. Stark says they'll arrive in ten." "Thanks FRIDAY." I quickly got up and went down to the kitchen. The compound had been empty except for me and Nat, ex- SHIELD agents, some technicians and doctors. They team had gone for a mission except us two. I was still not allowed to get on field. I had been attending some therapy sessions to move on with my past tied with HYDRA and let's say it was working well. Nat wasn't allowed on the mission for some weird reason. I had a  faint idea to why they left her with me. I reached the living room and saw her on the couch watching TV. "Hey, someone's up from their slumber" she greeted. "Ha ha. Real funny, Nat. The team's reaching in five." "That's good. I'm not gonna go easy on Stark like why the hell did they leave me with you? I mean you are no problem spend time with, I love you and everything but I've been wanting to go on a mission." "I love you too and I'll surely pay to watch what you'll do to Tony." We both laughed at it. Just then the door opened and the team came in walking through it.

Sam dropped instantly on the couch while Wanda and Vision laughed at Sam's antics. Tony entered and quickly headed to the bar as he poured himself some whiskey. "Good to see you all too. Tough mission?" I asked in sarcasm. "You have no idea" Rhodey said as he walked in followed by Steve. He stood at the door and cleared his throat to catch our attention. Nat lowered the volume of the TV and turned around. "Good job everyone, the mission was a huge success-" "Everyone?" Nat asked with a raised eyebrow. He ignored her glares and continued, "I announce three days off for everyone this week after today." They all cheered. "Nat, I know you are angry but, I think we've got something for you waiting in the jet." He didn't have speak twice as she immediately ran out of the room and went for the hangar. I looked at the team and they just gave out smiles which confirmed my suspicions. They had brought it Bruce. I quickly ran after Nat and stood at a distance as I saw them share a long awaited kiss. "Welcome home party tonight!!" Tony cheered. After catching up with Bruce and settling him in his room, Nat, Wanda and I decided to get ready for the party.

It wasn't any big, just us Avengers and some friends. Nat was happier than ever and didn't let Bruce sit alone. Tony and Rhodey were so drunk that they even started twerking. Sam and Clint played bets while Wanda and Vision talked near the bar. Thor had joined mid party and gave out free drinks from Asgard. Steve and me were drunk like others and we continued on playing games. It was a good moment for all. I truly enjoyed it. This is the family I love and they love me too.

A/N: Filler update. Bruce is back!! I promise to bring in Bucky in the next chap and dw there's no Civil War bs happening. This is an AU story so no seperation of the Avengers.

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