Choosing Sides

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Its been 8 hours since I sent the message and HYDRA still don't know about it. I'd like to keep it that way. I was suiting up when I felt a sharp pain in my left side. The bullet wound had healed by now but the new bruise hadn't. After convincing Bucky that I was his friend I tried to remind him of Steve. He lost it then and hit me hard enough to break the cell wall. The HYDRA agents couldn't know about it so I didn't complain. Instead I told them it was because he punched the wall while we sparred in the cell. They seemed to believe it. In 3 hours we were supposed to head to the Triskelion, the supposed SHIELD headquarters. We were to ensure that the launch of PROJECT INSIGHT had no interruptions, little that they knew I had alerted Rogers and his team if they were alive. 

After suiting up I met with Bucky. It feels good to know that he still had someone of his time to alive. Someone who knew him. "Ready, Soldier?", I signed to him. He only nodded and moved ahead as we walked to the helipad. The last time I did this was for a mission. It was the same day I got to know my name. Anastassia. I liked it but, I wished I could get to know more about my origin. If I had a family. If I could meet my mother. But, I knew all these thoughts were just a dream which I can fulfil if I successfully escape from HYDRA. Today was either going to my last chance at it or worse, my last mistake.

I sat next to Bucky in the chopper and in about 30 mins, we reached the Triskelion. I mentally made my plan of finding Rogers, winning his trust, take down HYDRA and help Bucky. After getting down from the chopper, I immediately took my spot. All I had to do was wait for a diversion from Rogers. Soon a mic feedback was heard as the authoritative voice of the man blond super soldier took the command. 

"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

God this man was quite the speaker. He could definitely become the president if he'd run for it. But in all seriousness, he just outed HYDRA. I heard some instructions in the comms. "Spirit, get into the building floor 43 and make sure Rogers doesn't get away. He must be brought down along with his team. If any of the workers interfere, shoot 'em", I heard Rumlow speak. This was all I needed to get to Rogers. "Copy that." I said as I hurried my way to Rogers. I created an energy surge to push me up against the floor of the helicarrier. I flew faster and saw some agents shooting at each other. I couldn't see Bucky but I hoped he wasn't coming after Rogers yet. I curled up myself to face the impact of breaking into the glass. As I landed, I took out earpiece, crushed it and burned it up. I scurried my way through some HYDRA agents making sure that they think I'm with them then turned around and shot them all at once and burned their earpieces too. I kept killing HYDRA agents on my way. I then saw the man with a winged- suit fly out of the window then, my eyes fell on Rogers. He was fighting the agents. I saw more of them from a stairwell exit. I focused at them and created large flames to burn them all till they got turned into ashes. I shot a few bullets at times. 

Just then I saw an agent coming from behind the super soldier sneakily to kill him. I took out a knife from my holster and threw it right at the agents head. Steve then noticed my presence. He made his way towards me. He started attacking me, maybe he thought the knife throw was for him. Come on, you all call me an assassin of HYDRA and expect my knife throws being so bad? "Why are you fighting me?", I asked with a grunt. "Why did you attack me with your knife? I thought you were helping us." I held my stance and let loose. "It was for the guard behind you, Rogers. I don't plan on killing Bucky's only existing friend." He then too let loose as he heard something on his earpiece. "Yes, she's here. She's on our side", he answered back and nodded. I nodded back. He made his way towards me. "I really trust you on this one. Any smart move, any attacks on us, I'll have you killed by one of my very pissed partners." I very well knew he was talking about Romanoff. "He's on the helicarrier. He doesn't remember you and will try to fight it. Don't give up and save him please." I said to the super soldier. "I plan on it and don't worry I'll get you out too." With that said, he jumped out of the window and made his way to the flying platform. 

I kept fighting the HYDRA agents when I saw a lab technician held at gunpoint. I made my way and took out the agent. I looked at the terrified man as he quivered and had tears in eyes. "Thankyou." he said and ran off. It took me off guard. Thankyou. I never really heard that term of gratitude come from Pierce or HYDRA. They never respected us while we did their mission tirelessly. I approached to the floors beneath when I saw Rumlow fighting the wing guy. Clearly he was losing to the HYDRA agent. I ran towards Rumlow and got him thrown away from Steve's teammate. He grunted as he wiped the blood off his lip corner. "You're choosing the wrong side baby. HYDRA has given you everything." he said to get me on his side. "First of all, I'm not you baby." I kicked him in the face and threw him against the wall behind him. "Secondly, all HYDRA has given me is pain and suffering." I jabbed and punched him in the nose as he got up. " And lastly, I'm choosing the right side." With that said, I gave him a final upper-cut in the jaw as he fell back. I turned to the man behind me. "I'm sorry for what happened on the bridge. But now I know the whole truth." "Its Sam Wilson. Nice to meet you too" he said with a smirk while I smiled softly. Just then I heard Rumlow trying to get up and a helicarrier crashing into the windows of the floor. 

Sam and I then started running while he kept asking for help from his teammates on the earpiece. We didn't have much time. "Sam hold my hand." I said as we sprinted to a window opening. He gripped on my left hand. "Trust me on this one." I jumped out of the window as he gripped my left arm tightly while a chopper was right beneath us.  "Wha- AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" he screamed as we flew out. I used my energy as I centered it towards my right hand and my legs to make us fly. He gripped at my waist tightly as the chopper tilted at an angle for him to drop in. I got him inside the chopper first as I kept myself flying steadily next to it. I saw the Russian redhead assassin holding out her hand for me to come inside with them. I took it and climbed inside. I heard Sam complaining with Fury about them bringing the chopper on the wrong level. Fury then looked at me with a sharp and angry look on his face. "What's the catch?" he asked me. "There's no catch. HYDRA had me believing they were good but now, I know they only fed us with lies. I'm sorry about the whole thing." "You could have really shot me dead. Just sorry ain't gonna work kid." I knew it was gonna be tough to get him to trust me. Sam and Romanoff had a curious look on their faces. "Arrest and execute me after this if you want. I only care for Barnes being free and take down HYDRA. After this, I've got nothing to do. Shoot me dead if u want to." My offer earned a smirk and eyebrow raise from the redhead and the woman next to Fury. "I think I've got a better execution for you." Fury replied. I knew the two friends had to be fighting around somewhere. So, I took my stance near the chopper opening. "What do you think you're doing?" I heard Romanoff questioning. "I have to find the two super soldiers." and I jumped into the chaos. 

My Soldier (Bucky Barnes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant