He Needs Help

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After Bucky and the girl left, we got arrested by SHIELD agents and Rumlow. Natasha had been bleeding out while Sam got a few burns from the girl. It was the same girl on the roof. She had fire powers? God, these times are crazy now. She looked young. About 19-20 years old. If she was with HYDRA, then it was possible that she was willing to sign up for it. I couldn't believe it. Bucky was alive after all this time. H- how was this possible? I saw him die in front of me but, they did say no body was found. HYDRA had captured him. If he was really Bucky, why didn't he remember me? "It was Bucky. He didn't even remember himself", I said softly. "I'm sure HYDRA must have messed up with his mind." I heard Natasha say with a sigh. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." Just then I heard Sam protest about helping Nat with her wound. The HYDRA guard took a stick about to hit Sam with it but soon, the other guard tasered him. We were all in shock. Wait, why would he help us? The guard then took off his mask to reveal him being Maria Hill this whole time. 

She explained us the escape plan and then created a huge hole on the floor of the car. We all dropped down through it carefully and ended up rolling on the empty road. As soon as she got out, she pressed a button to call for help. A few minutes later, a van in black arrived and we seated ourselves in it. After a drive for about an hour, the van took a halt and the door opened the door to find us under a closed dried-out dam. Apparently it was a hide-out. The guards took us inside to find that Fury had been alive the whole time. He explained how he faked his death and his plan to stop HYDRA but I suggested to end SHIELD cause he himself said it was compromised now. After we agreed on the plan, I felt a buzz in my pocket. Apparently the HYDRA guards didn't bother to take our phones and devices. I opened it and found a message. 


                                                                        - ANASTASSIA DVORVAK

It really was Bucky on the bridge. 'WIPED HIM', does it mean her remembered me? But who was Anastassia? Was it the girl with him? I handed my phone to Maria as she tried to track the message sender. "Can't trace it. Whoever this Anastassia is, she is smart." "So how do we know if its not fake." "It's similar to the one we received last month, it was a tip about Batroc." "You know who sent it?" "It was HYDRA back then, so should this be." "So its the girl on the bridge. Is she Anastassia?" "I hope so. Why would she help? I thought you said she fought against you all." "Well throughout the fight she kept trying to save him." "So she wants out of HYDRA?" "I think so. I want to trust her on this one. She knows him", I said hopefully. "Let me see what I can find on her from the shielded archives. I always doubted it was sketchy to name it like that..." "Thankyou Maria, really." She gave me a nod and left the room.

I headed to the room where Natasha was resting. I opened the door to see Sam reading while she lied on the bed with a blood drip connected to her. She did lose a pint. She looked up to see me. "It's not that bad. Although, the bitch must pay for it", she said with a smirk. "I received a message from her. She tipped about Bucky being brainwashed again." "And you trust her?" "She asked me to save him. I have to believe it. She is merely a kid Nat, we can't kill her." "You're too good Rogers, you know that? What you gonna do about Barnes if he doesn't remember you now", Sam questioned. "I'll have to make him do it again. Even if he tries to attack, I will do the hell I require to save him and the girl." "Language", said Nat with a soft smile. I chuckled softly. "Captain, here's what you needed", Maria said as she handed me a file. "Thankyou." "No problem, Cap." With that being said, she left the room. 

I opened the file. "What's that?" asked Sam. "Its a file on her."

NAME: Anastassia Iliana Dvorvakova

BORN: 25th November 1960

SEX: Female



INJECTED WITH: Mutated Super Soldier Serum; Pyro-serum (mutated Extermis originally prepared by AIM)

POWERS: Pyro-kinesis, super human strength, enhanced reflexes.

STATUS: Only living subject from PROJECT REBIRTH. 

PARTNER IN MISSION: The Winter Soldier.

WEAKNESS: Well being of Winter Soldier.

"Wait a minute, how does she look like a teenager if she's that old?" Sam questioned. "Maybe she was cyro freezed like Barnes or maybe its the serum" Nat said with a shrug. "Well, now we know why she's helping Barnes escape" Sam noted. "Doesn't mean that she is good. She can probably even turn us over if HYDRA starts controlling her" Nat said. "They won't." I say as they both look at me. "If she is scared for Bucky's well-being, they wouldn't need to control her. She'll do it anyways to protect him. She said they wiped him, and if she is taking the risk to inform us about it, I doubt she'll turn against us." I tried to reason with them. Although Sam was easier to convince, Nat was a little stubborn to accept the point. At last, she agreed too. 

We were still left with 8 hours for the launch of INSIGHT and we could use as much as of help we can get. If Anastassia wants to help, I will trust her enough for it. I'll get her out too. She deserves it. After an hour of planning, me and Sam head to the Smithsonian to get me a suit. I decided to wear the old Captain America outfit in hopes to get Bucky to remember me. This time, I won't let him slip away. I will get him and Anastassia to get free. HYDRA will be over for the last time. 

A/N : Filler chapter cuz my exams are coming up. I hope y'all have enjoyed it so far!!

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