Crashing The Date

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After a short drive to a fancy restaurant in the city, we were seated at a less crowded table. The music of the piano was soothing and the red wine was easing our nerves, not the normal one but the one from Asgard. Thor and Tony helped me a lot to pull off this lovely evening with Natsya. She had looked beautiful as her brown eyes twinkled due to the soft lights around the place. "This is a nice place. When did you plan all of this?" she asked me. "Let's just say I had some help." I said with a smile. She quickly held my hand from over the table and entwined it in her small ones. "Thankyou for this. Really." "Your welcome, doll." Suddenly, we were thrown away from each other as a loud boom was heard along with it and it all became silent for a while. 

There was something heavy over my body which I managed to push away with some difficulty. It was piece of what was before a wall. I looked around through the dust and rubble and found a familiar hand poking out of some concrete pieces. It was Natsya. What the fuck had even happened? I was making my way towards her when suddenly a group of men in black gear appeared with guns. They circled me around and started shooting around. The rest people in the restaurant started screaming and shouting as they shot a few women and men. Who were they? I quickly took cover behind a wall and took out my phone which had a big crack on its screen now and quickly dialed Tony's contact. "Barnes, how's the evening going?" the billionaire spoke on the call. "Tony we are attacked. Groups of men in black gear. They- they bombed up the place-" "WHAT- ARE YOU AND ANA SAFE?" he asked. "She- she's under the rubble. I tried to get to her but" there were gunshots heard "but they started shooting so I had to take cover." I said hurriedly. "I'll get the team in 5. Look out for Ana and do not engage." and with that he cut the call. 


I was enjoying my bubble bath with Pepper and wine when we got interrupted by James. After his call, I quickly hurried put on my clothes and hurried downstairs along with Pepper. "Stark-" Nat came to me hurriedly. "I know, the restaurant got attacked." I said as we walked into the lift to go to the meeting room. "Ana and Bucky are there Stark. They are shooting civilians-" "Oh my god." Pepper said with a hand over her mouth. This was getting out of hand. "FRIDAY ALERT ALL TO GET SUITED AND MEET AT HANGAR IN 3" I said to the AI. After exiting the lift, Nat went to the changing room and I stepped on my suit-up platform as the machines put on the chunky suit on me. I broke through the lab window and flew to the hangar where the others were already present. "Tony what is going on? Are Ana and Bucky ok?" Steve asked me immediately. "Barnes said that Ana was under the rubble. Some groups of men are shooting over at the civilians and they bombed the place." "Wait, what was the restaurant you had booked for them?" Sam asked me. "Le' Bernardin? Yeah that one." The entire group except me, Wanda and Steve looked confused. "What's wrong guys?" I asked. "The president is meeting over there in a suite. It's definitely for him, the bombing and shoot out." Nat said warningly. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath. 

"Let's get in the jet and discuss the POA. Come on team!" Steve said and we all got inside. I looked over the city through the scan and saw reporters, the PD and EMTs present at the scene. The public had been kept away from the street to prevent any further damage to the citizens. We soon landed a bit away from the site and quickly ran towards the building of the hotel. "As you can see, the terrorists haven't yet specified their cut of the negotiation and have held about 73 people as hostages which also may include two of the Avengers themselves. That's right, it's the Spirit and James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Could this be happening because of their previous history with HYDRA now that several innocent lives are at stake including our very own President, Joel Dawn? Stay with our feed to learn about immediate live reports." a reporter spoke at a distance. 

"So they've made it public about the president and Ana Buck" Nat said. "The attackers have a leverage. We gotta pull them out of their spots. Sam, Rhodey and Tony scan the building and its civilians, you find Bucky or Ana, you report. Find the president, you bring him here to the federals." Steve commanded. "Nat and Clint, I need you two to get inside the building and drop 'em down, rescue hostages." They two friends nodded. "Bruce you stay out of site and guard the perimeter. We need minimum damage, no offence." "None taken, Cap." he said with a nervous smile. "Vision you are unbreakable, you and Wanda find the attackers, you finish them. Also, I'll need a ride to the top floor." "Alright Captain" "Avengers, assemble. Go go go.." he said as we left for our ways. 

I immediately flew up with Sam and shot at the attackers who were shooting at us. "Don't you think it's time you make me a suit?" Sam said in the comms. "Nah bird man that's all you" I said as I shot at them more. "FRIDAY get me a scan of all the civilians in the building." "On it Mr. Stark." "106 people. 73 hostages and 33 attackers." the AI replied almost immediately. "Which floor is the President?" "34th floor, sir" I switched the channel to connect with Rogers'. "Steve, president on 34th floor." "Get Rhodey to rescue him." "Another saving President story, baby" the grey black suited man said as he flew through the window. "He's gonna rub it on our face next party." I muttered under my breath. I flew around the building thrice to get a better scan. "FRIDAY, any site of Barnes and Ana?" "Mr. Barnes is currently on third floor fighting some men and Ms. Dvorvak seems to be under the rubble." "Is she breathing?" "Vitals are high." Just then my channel was changed back to Steve's. "They are on third floor. Ana is still under rubble." "I'll get them." Steve said and switched his comms channel. 


This was a nightmare. Ana had been under the rubble for quite long and Bucky wasn't there to rescue. I fought my way to their location getting rid of the attackers as I see them. I opened the doors to the restaurant side of the floor and found a huge pile of rubble and people on the floor. I heard some grunts from a distance so, I followed the noise and found Bucky fighting off an attacker. I threw my shield at the enemy and that killed him instantly. Bucky turned around to look at me immediately with a horrified look. "Steve.." "Buck, where's Ana?" "She's under here somewhere. I tried to go to her but the men kept on coming-" "It's fine we'll save her now." We both nodded and headed to find her. We pushed off some pieces of the concrete but it was to no avail. We couldn't find her. "She's not here. Are you sure Bucky, this was where you had seen her?" I asked my pal. "I swear she was here Steve-" Just then more of the attackers came inside and started shooting at us. I felt a pang of pain in my abdomen and chest and then I hid behind the wall along with Bucky. I put my hand on the hurting side and saw some blood oozing out of it. My head was hurting. Some one pulled me up and threw me aside. I looked at them and saw that it was none other than Batroc.


"Captain America, told ya I will get back at ya for messing with me." the French man said. "Leave the citizens out of this then. Its just you and me, we fight, not the innocents." Steve tried to negotiate. "But what's the fun in that. Your team is here, you best friend is here and so is your..." he waited for two of his men to pull out a girl from behind them in a creme dress. It was Natsya but her mouth was gagged. "your best friend's girlfriend." He walked closer to her and grazed his hand around her face making her flinch. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" I yelled as a few of Batroc's men held us in place. The man just smirked in evil and looked at me. "She's a pretty one, gotta tell ya that Barnes but is she that good in bed huh?" "You son of a bitch." Steve spat at him. "Talking dirty isn't your forte captain." I heard a female voice speak. The men shuffled aside and it was Sharon facing me with a smirk. "Hey Steve, they didn't hurt you much did they?" she said in her fake innocent voice. "You did this all?" I yelled at her. "Shh, don't interrupt us." "Sharon don't do this. Why are you doing this?" he asked her. "Because of her!" she yelled and pointed at Natsya. "She took my Miguel from me. He loved her so fucking much. I hated her since then." "What are you talking about? Miguel was the one to leave her. He broke her heart." I spoke this time. But that only made the crazy blonde to smile. "The only thing is that he didn't. Do you know how much in love he was with her? All he would talk about was her. 'Ana is so pretty', 'Ana is so perfect', 'I love Ana', 'Ana-' MY ASS. God, he had become her bitch! And after that date of theirs where you told him about her ugly and dirty past with you and HYDRA and her fucking suicide attempt, he couldn't let her go." Sharon said with her eyes tear filled. "So I had to silence him forever. All because of you." she said directly to Natysa who looked at her seething in anger. But, before anyone could register what was happening, Sharon got thrown away roughly and fell across the room through the wall. There was dust and smoke surrounding us while there were some yells heard from the men and soon Batroc's bloody head was thrown away at my feet. I looked up straight to find a blazing glow in front of me and Steve. The smoke cleared and I saw my girl with a bright orange glow in her eyes while set ablaze.

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