- Chapter 19 -

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Wilbur's Pov

I wake up to a crash somewhere in the van. I go to get up from my bed but find that I can't move. God how long I have been lying down if I can't even move. I give myself a few minutes to wake up and after about 3 minutes of almost pure silence except for the quiet talking I hear from the center of the van I finally am able to start moving.

I start by wiggling my fingers and gradually progress to slowly turning onto my left side just to be greeted by a sharp pain that makes me immediately return to my original position on my bed. I slowly open my heavy eyes, blinking a few times to adjust my eyes to my lit room. Once they are adjusted I look at what caused my pain.

On my left arm a see a bandage wrapped around my bicep. I also see a few splotches of red on the bandage where the wound bled more. I push myself up using my forearms so I am now leaning my back around my head board. I move my hands to unwrap the bandage that surrounds my bicep only to see that both of my hands are bandaged as well.

God what happened that could have caused this?

That's when I remember what happened. How we had won the fight with the Dream Team and returned safely to L'manberg only for Eret to betray us. I take a deep breath as I let that set in. Eret fucking betrayed L'manberg and what for? Power? To win? What on earth could have led Eret, one of the most loyal people I know, to betray us.

Before I can think anymore about the ex L'Manbergain I hear someone softly open the door to my room. I look up to see Tubbo whose head was bandaged. He held a potion in his hand.

"Oh you're awake!" He says alarmed but at the same time grateful.

I don't say anything and instead just lay my head against my headboard looking toward the ceiling. I hear Tubbo walk to the end of my bed before he speaks again.

"Fallen made some health potions. She told me to give one to you once you were awake." Once he finishes talking he walks to the side of my bed and holds out the potion to me.

Fallen, god I completely forgot about her.

"Is she ok? Where is she?" I quickly spit out, completely ignoring the potion in his hand for the time being. God I hope Fallen is alright. I know she can more than easily handle herself but I can't help worrying. Call it a brotherly instinct.

"Hey hey slow down, Fallen is fine." Tubbo says and I am filled with relief. "Fallen isn't here right now but she wants you to drink this." Tubbo continues pushing the potion closer to me.

"Wait, Fallen isn't here? Where did she go? She shouldn't be wandering around right now." I say worried again. God of course she left. She couldn't have stayed around for the time I was asleep so that I could see her when I woke up.

My thoughts get interrupted by Tubbo once again. "I don't know where she went. Me and Fundy tried getting her to stay but she left before we could even begin to convince her. But since she isn't here on her behalf I am giving you this potion to drink. It should help your wounds heal."

I look down at the potion in Tubbo's hand before looking back up at him. "Did everyone else get one?" I ask.

Tubbo sighs slightly annoyed before taking. "Me and Fundy split a potion since we aren't as injured as you and Tommy. Fundy is currently checking in on Tommy as we speak to see if he is awake so he can give him his potion."

"Then give mine to Tommy as well. I don't need it." I say quickly pushing the potion away."

"Wilbur, don't be ridiculous if anything you need the potions the most." He responds, holding out the potion again.

"No I don't. Split it or give it to Tommy I'm fine." I speak sternly as I push my back off my headboard.

"Just take the Goddamn potion Wilbur!!!" Tubbo demands as he grabs my right hand and shoves the potion into it. I wince at the pain as I feel a spike of pain travel from my hand throughout my body.

Tubbo immediately takes the potion from my hand profusely apologizing.

"God sorry Wil. I didn't know you hurt your hands. Here let me help" Tubbo said apologetically as he uncorked the potion and held it in front of my face.

I give in and lean toward the potion as Tubbo slowly tilts the potion upwards as I drink. I feel almost immediate relief as I finish the potion and rest my back against the backboard once again.

"Thanks Tubbo." I thank the kind teenager nodding my head towards him as a sign of thanks.

"No problem Wil!" He says happily. "Actually wait here. I'm going to get some new bandages to re-wrap your wounds." He continues and before I can respond he is already out the door.

I sigh and close my eyes, tilting my head towards the ceiling. God so much has happened in so little time. Yet I can't help but wonder where the fuck Fallen is right now.

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