- Chapter 7 -

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Fallen's Pov

I'm now waiting outside of the little town. I really hope that they are here. By the reaction that they had it could really be one of two things. One, they are here and they were just going to get them. Or two, they are giving me false hope and are just gathering people and weapons to try and kill me. Before I can continue thinking any further I hear the van door burst open. I expect to see the person come out but I don't. Instead I see a taller man with brown curly hair and fake round glasses. This man I quickly recognized as my brother, Wilbur.

Wilbur's Pov

I run out of the van pushing Eret out of the way. As soon as I step outside I turn to the gate of L'Manberg. I see a figure that's about 5'6. They have their hood up and the black chain mask I was so used to seeing. I stand there and process the fact that they are actually here.

"Well aren't you going to say hi to your sister?"

I look towards them and see them standing there with their arms forward like they're offering a hug. I don't hesitate for a second and run to them. As soon as I reached them I engulfed her in a big hug. She hugged me back, and though I would never admit it, it did kinda hurt. Then I was brought back to the more important question.

"Why are you here?"

I step back from the hug to see them roll their eyes.

"Wow. So happy to see me. No 'Omg I missed you so much.' Ouch."

I laugh a bit as they make weird hand gestures to go with the joke. I cross my arms.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. But seriously is everything ok at home? Is Dadza ok?"

"Oh yeah everything is fine at home. Just a little different. The reason I'm here is the fact that for the year that you guys were gone we didn't receive a single letter."

At that moment I was filled with something between shock and guilt.

"I- I... I'm."

Before I could continue, Fallen interrupted me.

"You know what, forget about it. Where are Tommy and Tubbo."

"Oh they are both asleep right now. Speaking of sleep, we should probably get to bed too. I mean you must have had a long trip."

"Eh. I mean I don't need it but I guess I could."

"Yes you do. Now come on, follow me."

Fallen's Pov

"Yes you do. Now come on, follow me."

I just roll my eyes in response but I proceed to walk after him anyways. He takes me to the hotdog van I saw him come out of before. When we make it to the door he opens it standing to the side to let me in.

"Lady's first." Wilburs says give me a bow and extends his hand out in a dramatic way.

"Oh then go right ahead." I remark standing to the opposite side of the door.

Wilbur just scoffs but steps inside the van anyway. The first thing I see is a seat. To my right I look out the window to see the entrance where I was just standing. I don't see Wilbur anywhere so I assume he walks through the door to my left. I open the door and see... a ton of brewing stands? Out of everything I thought would be in this van I did not think it would be brewing stands. There is also a little kitchen just to my right with 2 sinks. I assume one is for food and the other is for cleaning potion bottles. I look towards the back where there is another door that Wilbur stands in front of with his hands thrown to the side to make himself look bigger.

"So what do you think?"

Wilbur breaks the silence though I notice he isn't as loud as he was before. Probably because he doesn't want to wake Tommy and Tubbo.

"It's nice I guess. I wouldn't have expected you guys to start potion brewing, but I guess that's fine." I reply while gliding my hand above one of the brewing stands. While doing so I start to walk closer to him.

"I ummm... y- yeah potion brewing... it looks really cool when Phil or uh y- you would do it so we w- wanted to try."

While Wilbur is saying this his body kinda drops a little and he scratches the back of his neck. I also notice that he avoids eye contact. This is something Will does when he is lying.

"What are you actually making Will.",

I place my right hand on my hip and stare at him, raising my eyebrow in the process.

"I- uh... wha-"

I cut Wilbur off before he can continue.

"The truth."

He just sighs. He takes a look behind him to look at the door which I assume leads to Tommy and Tubbo. He looks back at me making eye contact. His face looks worried yet embarrassed at the same time. I can tell that whatever the answer is to the question I asked is going to amuse me.


Will keeps it short and simple, trying to say it as quickly as he can. I stifled a laugh and continued to stare at him.

"Can you say that again I didn't catch it the first time."

I make sure to put a little bit of sarcasm in my voice so he knows I'm joking but not too much so it still sounds monotone.

"OH FUCK YOU!" Wilbur shouts.

"Quiet down Will!" I whisper shout at him.

Before Will can respond I hear the creak of a door and another voice joins our conversation.

"Who are you fucking Will?"

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