- Chapter 16 -

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When I wake I am greeted with a pounding headache. I groan as I sit up and try to regain my sight. It takes me a few seconds but after a few blinks I can see clearly. I'm still in the forest. I can see L'manberg in the distance. That is when I realized two very crucial things. First, it is now morning which means that the voice was under control for quite some time. Second, the fight. I rush to my feet and run to L'Manberg. I enter through the gates and don't see anyone. I run around and look everywhere before coming to the conclusion that they were gone.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

I swiftly turn around and run outside of L'Manberg. I've got no clue where they could be since I haven't had a chance to explore here yet. So I take an educated guess and run the opposite way from where I first found L'manberg. I run for a while until I find an opening in the forest. Well it wasn't as much of an opening as it was the end of the forest but right now it didn't necessarily matter. I run toward the edge of the forest and once I make it there I take a quick look around. I see a house in the middle of a lake as well as a nether portal. Before I had a chance to explore more I hear shouting in the distance. I run towards the sound and after traversing a hill I finally found the fight.

L'manberg was currently on the ground while Dream and his friends were on top of a tower. I take the opportunity of surprise and sneak my why around the edge of the battle field. I manage to make it to the back of the tower and I go to pull my bow from my back. That is until I realize I don't have it. Before I can get mad at myself for forgetting my bow I see enderpearls fall from the tower above. I unsheath my sword and run to the place where the enderpearls fall. I lunge at the first one as soon as they teleport and manage to get a hit on George. All of a sudden the battlefield is filled with shock at my sudden presence.

"FALLEN!" "Why are you here?" "Where did you go?" I hear Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy yell from across the battlefield. Quite a stupid decision if you ask me since they are giving away their position more. Just when I thought they could be more stupid I see Tommy try to leave their ground and come towards me. Luckily Wilbur has a few brain cells and pulls him back with some help from Eret.

Though, I don't reply to any of them, more focused on the more important battle that I'm in the middle of. As I go in for another attack on George, Dream steps in to block the blow. I push his sword back a bit and take a step back to keep balance. But before I know it I'm getting attacked from my right side. I quickly dodge backwards and try to scope out what is happening right now. Currently George is recovering from the attack but he won't take long, Dream is right in front of me silently communicating to Sapnap who is very close to my right. The short period of silence comes to a close when I hear arrows get fired from the tower above. Though I don't knowing that you should never turn your back on your opponent. Though based on the fact that the Dream, Sapnap and George start running away from me I can assume that it is L'manberg that is shooting the arrows. Once the enemy is far enough away I turn to look at the top of the tower. I see the rest of the L'manberg up there with their bows drawn, continuing to fire at the enemy. Wilbur also winks at me like he saved my life or something. I just scoff and turn my back on L'manberg.

You don't need them

Actually I really don't need you so you can go ahead and leave.

Oh, but you do need me

And why do I need you?

Because they use you, I tell you the truth

I don't respond but instead contemplate what the voice is saying. To be fair one of the first things I did once I got here was protect them, train them, and now fight a battle for them. This does feel a bit one sided. Though before I can think about it more my thoughts are cut off by a shout.

"RETREAT!!! RUN!!!" I hear come from Dream as they all run away from the battle.

I turn back to L'manberg to see them all try to find a quick way down to me. They all just settle on going down the way they came up and before I know it I'm standing face to face with L'manberg. There is a bit of awkward silence and it is so awkward that I was about to walk away before runs up and gives me a hug whilst yelling,


I tense up under Tommy's embrace so I lightly pat his back with one hand, being careful not to touch him anywhere else before pushing him off of me. In response to Tommy's comment I give a very detailed response.


Tommy just grunts crossing his arms and walking back towards Tubbo while muttering, "Well alright, fuck you, miss 'I'm to cool for complements' bitch."

I ignore Tommy and turn my head towards Wilbur who has a very unimpressed look on his face. Now you knew that you were in for a treat.

"Where on earth were you Fallen? We look everywhere in L'Manberg for you then all of a sudden you decide to just pop out of nowhere and decide to 1 v 3 the Dream Team. Are you insane" he says with a tone.

"Ok first, I was in the forest cause I could sleep, second you say 1 v 3 like it would be a challenge, and finally yes I am a tad bit insane" I answer all of Wilbur's inquiries.

"Oh my god, Fallen..." Wilbur drags out while dragging his hands across his face. Though before Wilbur could continue Tubbo steps in front of him a bit and starts to talk.

"Hey, hey, hey guys let's not argue right now we just won a goddamn war."

"YEAH WE JUST WON A FUCKING WAR WILL LETS CELEBRATE!!!" Tommy cheers, Tubbo and Fundy soon following.

I kinda expected Wilbur not to be in the brightest mood but what I didn't expect was Erets hesitant expression. Almost like they didn't see this war as finished yet. I look at them a bit skeptical but quickly turn my gaze to Wilbur as he talks.

"You know what Tommy you're right. Let's head back to L'manberg and celebrate." And as he finishes talking he wraps his arm around Tommy and we all start the journey back to L'manberg.

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