- Chapter 6 -

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10 Hours Later

I've been walking west for a bit now. I haven't taken a break other than about half an hour ago to eat and watch the sun set. I look up at the sky and try to figure out what time it is. This is something I learnt from Techno. He also taught me how to tell North, East, South, and West based on the sun and moon and where they set. He also tried teaching Tommy but realized very quickly that it was a lost cause. Looking at the moon it is probably about 9:00pm. They shouldn't have gotten that far because I don't think Tommy could get much farther without complaining. Though it has been a year so who knows. I look back ahead of me when I see something. It looks to be smoke. There is not that much of it so I don't think that it's a lava pool. I try to think of what it could be when it finally clicks. It's a campfire. The smoke looks a tad bit too big to be just a campfire though. Even with this flaw I start jogging over to the smoke. Making sure to look up at it every once in a while to make sure I'm still going the right way.

I keep running and that's when I see the end of the forest. Though instead of seeing the open plains I see big black and yellow concrete walls. The smoke that I saw previously seems to be coming from the inside of it. I start traveling around the side of the massive wall to see if I can find an opening. Surely enough on the north side of the wall there is an archway that leads inside. Before stepping inside I look around the inside. The first thing I notice is a large hotdog van. Though the hotdog on top is on fire which was probably adding a bit to the smoke. Before I can look around more, someone very tall stands in front of me with a crossbow in hand.

"And who are you?"

I take a good look at them before answering. They have brown hair, kinda similar to Wilburs. Though they are a bit shorter than him. They have square sunglasses covering their eyes. They are also wearing a button up with ripped, black skinny jeans, somewhat similar to my own though their looks like it was on purpose. They also have what looks to be a pride flag tied around their neck, acting as a sort of cape.

"And why should I give you that information?" I say crossing my arms and leaning on my right leg.

"If you don't I will not hesitate to attack you."

I stiffle a laugh at this comment. Yah sure he looks tall but there is not a single doubt in my mind that I couldn't beat him blindfolded.

"Look I don't want to fight." As I say that I put my hands in the air though the about 7 weapons attached to me might look contradicting to that statement."I was just traveling through the woods when I saw smoke. I thought it might be people and as it looks I'm right."

"Why were you in the woods?"

"My God you ask a lot of questions."

"Questions that I want the answer to. So why were you in the woods?"

I roll my eyes but answer the question truthfully.

"I was looking for my brothers Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo."

I expected them to keep the same look they had before or maybe a look of confusion but instead they have a look of shock. They look back at the hotdog van before they look back at me.

"Wait here just a second."

Before I have a chance to respond they has already started running to the hotdog van.

Eret's Pov

"I was looking for my brothers Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo."

As soon as I heard them say that I looked towards the van. Inside of it is Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Fundy. Everyone should be asleep by now except Wilbur. He always stays up to do extra work either for his music or for L'Manberg, no matter how much we protest. I turn back to them before I speak.

"Wait here just a second."

Before they have a chance to reply I book it to the van. I really hope I'm right about this because if I'm not then this will get real awkward real quick. I burst through the van doors but not loud enough to wake anyone. Though this does catch the attention of Wilbur.

"Hey Eret, is everything alright?" Wilbur says while standing up.

"Not exactly but I think there is someone outside looking for you, Tommy and Tubbo. They said that you guys are their brothers."

There was a bit of silence. Wilburs expression was first one of worry but quickly changed to a mix of realization, shock, and disbelief.

"Are they wearing a black mask with gold chains and a hood?"

I was a little confused about how he knew but this just confirmed my previous assumption to be true.

"Yeah, they are. How did you know?"

Wilbur doesn't respond to me, instead he pushes me aside and runs outside the van.

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