- Chapter 13 -

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"Tubbo, you're off balance. Your legs are too close together making it very easy for Tommy to trip you." I say walking closer to the group. Tommy yells in fear, my sudden talking clearly startling him. Tubbo runs towards me screaming my name and hugs me. I get very stiff not used to physical affection so instead of returning the hug I opt for patting his head.

"Hey Tubbo. Hey Tommy. You've both gotten a lot better than the last time I saw you guys duel it out."

Tubbo releases me and walks back to where Tommy and the fox were standing which wasn't too far now.

"Yah, we've been working really hard, me, Fundy, and Tubbo." Tommy says as he wraps his arms around the fox, who I now know name is Fundy, and Tubbo.

"Yah I tell you've been working hard. I've been watching for about 10 minutes." I say blandly.

Fundy makes some noise that resembles confusion before he speaks. "How? Where were you?"

"I was just over there." I say as I point to the spot I was previously standing in which is only a few steps away.

"How did we not see you?" Fundy questions me again.

"I don't really know. You guys need to pay more attention to your surroundings. Anyways I want to join in on this training you guys are doing. I have been asleep for like 2 and a half hours." I say as I pull my sword out of its sheath.

"Hey hey hey, wait a minute you can't use that. I don't feel like dying today due to you slicing me in half with a sword." Tommy says, his voice very shaky as he does some arm motions to further exaggerate his point.

"Ugh, you're no fun." I say as I sheath my sword. "Where is a sword I can use?"

"Here you can use mine." Tubbo answers my question as he tosses his sword he was previously using. I catch it effortlessly and point it threateningly at the three boys.

"Now who's ready for some proper training?"

After a bit of time, and Tommy stealing from someone's home, all of us now had a sword.

"Ok now you three, fight me." I say as I get into my fighting stance.

"Wha, you're going to fight all three of us at once?" Fundy says also getting into stance though his is off and he is clearly a bit worried that I couldn't take them.

"Ohhhh, just like the olden days." Tommy says referencing when I would duel against him, Wilbur, and Tubbo at the same time. Tommy also gets into his stance along with Tubbo. Tubbo's stance is like Fundy's though Tommy's is nearly perfect though he is holding his sword too high up which I take note of.

"Let's dance." I say.

A Broken Angel (Dsmp X Oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz