- Chapter 11 -

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Wilbur doesn't say a word as he turns to face us. He starts to walk past all of us and heads inside the Drug Van that Fallen had just come out of moments before. We all turn to face each other all with confused looks on our face. Fundy decided to speak up in the silence.

"Ok one, what the fuck just happened? Two, who the hell is she? And three what the fuck are we going to do now.?"

I turn to look at Tubbo and he turns to look at me. We both silently decide that I'll answer their questions. That was something me and Tubbo got really good at, communicating quietly. I sigh and turn to face Eret and Fundy before I speak up.

"To answer the first one I honestly don't know I've never seen her do that before. Second she is mine, Wilbur, and Tubbo's sister. Though she is only biologically related to Wilbur. She stayed home while us three left. We promised to write her letters but got caught up in L'Manberg so we forgot. So she decided to come look for us. She arrived late last night. Three I have got no fucking clue."

We all return to the previous silence for who knows how long. I look up to the sky to try and figure out the time. Though I never learned how to do that. I always relied on Wilbur or Eret to tell me. When we lived at home, Fallen was the only one who knew how to do it. Though after hearing we were leaving she taught Wilbur how to do it as well. Eret saw my failed attempt at telling the time so he spoke up.

"It's probably sometime around 11:30am, maybe a bit later."

I only reply with a short thanks. I was so distraught after watching what just happened that I didn't see the need to say anything else. We once again turned silent for who knows how long.

After a while I hear the van door open and I see Wilbur walk out. He looks so tired. Like he had been up for hours yet in reality it had only been around 4 hours since he woke up. His posture was a little more slouched than normal and his head hung lower. We all turn to him in hopes of an explanation for whatever just happened. He picks his head up as he stops in front of us. He takes a deep breath followed by a slight sigh before he speaks.

"Ok I know you are all very confused-"

Before he has a chance to continue I interrupt him.

"Yah, we are pretty confused. Or at least I am. What the fuck just happened Will! I- I- have known Fallen all of my life and I have never EVER seen her do whatever the fuck she just did." I say very angrily as I take a few steps closer to my older brother. "I- I- I mean did you see her fucking eyes!!! THEY WERE PITCH BLACK!!!" At this point I am only a 2 or so steps away from Wilbur. He decided to take those few steps closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders as he looked down to me.

"Tommy I would tell you but it isn't my place to say what just happened. If you or anyone else here wants to know you can ask Fallen yourself. Though if you do ask, wait a bit, she needs to rest right now. Knowing her she will probably be up in around an hour so you can ask her then. But until then Tommy please calm down, if not for me then for Fallen." I look into his eyes to find no hint to a lie or any other bad emotion that I could think of. All I see is just genuine care and also a bit of tiredness. I take a deep breath before grumbling "Fine."

"Thank you Tommy." Wilbur says and proceeds to remove his hands from my shoulders and takes a step or two back. I hear steps behind me and see Tubbo come up behind me.

"Is Fallen ok?" Tubbo asks.

"She will be, just give her time to rest." My older brother says to us before turning around towards the entrance of L'Manberg. "I'll be back in a bit."

Wilbur starts to walk off but before he can get a chance to go that far Fundy speaks up.

"Hey where are you going?"

"Just to relax for a bit. I promise I won't go far." As he says that he walks out of L'Manberg.

"Well I'm going to go mine for a bit. I have a strong feeling that we will be needing some more supplies before whatever happens tomorrow." Eret says to us all before also leaving the walls of L'Manberg.

"Well fellow L'Manbergains." I say to the remaining men outside, clapping my hands together. "Who would like to train?"

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