- Chapter 17 -

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After about 25 minutes we make it back to L'manberg. We would have made it in less than twenty if it weren't for Tommy. I don't pay much attention to the L'Manbergains as I start to stare into space. Now that I actually have time to process what happened this morning. It was clear to me that the voice took over for the night since I most definitely didn't get any sleep last night. Though my only wonder is what the voice did last night. Also why would it want to take control now instead of opting to take control during the war. I know that the voice would absolutely have a blast in war from past experiences so why would it decided to opt out.

Before I can think any longer on the topic I hear someone shout my name which catches my attention. I turn my head to face Wilbur who is with the rest of L'Manberg.

"Hey Fallen, Eret says that they have more supplies for us to lock in our win for the war! Are you coming or not!" Wilbur shouts from across L'manberg.

"Just go without me!" I shout back. I needed to think more about what the voice had planned.

"Alright! Stay safe, Fallen!" He shouts before L'manberg follows Eret down a tunnel.

I scoff at Wilbur's final sentence before I continue to think of the voice's plans. I don't get to think about them long before the voice itself speaks.

I see you're curious?

Of course I'm curious. You never come out without some sort of plan for blood.

Wow, you know me so well I'm touched. But you don't have to worry for long now. The plan is about to commence.

I don't have time to respond till I hear yelling coming from the tunnel that L'manberg went down. Their shouts fill my ears as the voice laughs. I don't even process what it says next though as I start to run towards the tunnel. As I enter the tunnel I draw my sword but once I make it to the end I'm greeted by an awful sight. Though sadly a sight I'm quite used to.

I see all of L'manberg knocked out on the floor. The whole room is covered in blood. As I look around the room I quickly start to piece together what might have happened. All the chests are open and there is nothing inside of them. There is also a pushed button on the wall, which to the left of is an opening in the rooms walls. Also judging how Eret's body isn't here like the rest I would say that Eret was a traitor. They led them down here, pushed the button and someone or multiple people came out of the hole in the wall and knocked them all out, taking all of L'Manbergs items with them. I knew something was up with Eret but I wasn't entirely expecting them to be a traitor. Though I guess that just means he did a good job.

I break out of my thoughts and realize that now I need to heal them all and get them back to the van. I sigh, stretch my arms out whilst cracking my fingers and start to get to work helping L'Manberg.

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