- Chapter 12 -

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Fallen’s Pov

I wake up to the familiar noise of swords clashing. I sit up quickly but immediately regret it as a wave of pain floods to my head. I grab my head in pain only to realize my hood no longer rests on my head. I look around and see that I am back in Wilbur's bed. That's also when I realize that I let the voice take control again. God I really hope I didn't kill anyone. Well maybe except that Dream guy because he seems like a real bitch.

I get up from Wilbur's bed and see all my belongings in a nice pile on the floor since they wouldn't fit on his desk. There's also a note on top of the pile.

I walk over to the pile and crouch down. When walking over the only pain I can feel is a slight throb in my leg. That probably means I got kicked at some point but that's probably the worst of my injuries.

I pick up the note and it reads.

Dear Fallen,

You had another blackout if you couldn't tell already. During the blackout you attacked and hurt Dream. No one else was hurt luckly but youdid do a good number on Dream.  I shouldn't expect any less from you but Dream is easily one, if not the best fighters around. He did manage to get a hit on your leg which you have probably figured out by now. The blackout only lasted about 5 minutes and once I had gotten you calmed down you had passed out. That was around 11:20am. I probably won't be in L'manberg by the time you wake up but I know that at least Tommy and Tubbo will be and maybe Fundy and Eret too. Though Eret has been out a lot more recently so they might not. TommyandTubbo will most likely have questions about what happened so be prepared for that. Until then take things a bit slow. I know you probably won't listen but it was worth a try wasn't it?

 From Your Favorite Brother,


A smirk grows on my face at the use of a childhood nickname. Tommy gave it to him when they were playing outside one day. Tommy always insisted that he never called him Wilby but we all know he did. So now we call Wilbur, Wilby on occasion to tease Tommy though we do also use it as just a regular nickname too.

Though after reminiscing on the past for a bit I'm reminded that I now have to prepare to be confronted by Tommy and Tubbo about the voice I hear. I know that Tubbo wouldn't pressure me into talking about it but Tommy currently would. Due to the noise I heard as I woke up I assume that they are training. I know that it isn't a serious fight since the swords being used seem to be made out of dull or weak metal. I can tell this by the sound it makes when they clash together. The swords they use make a duller, lower pitch sound rather than the high-pitched cling you hear normal swords make.

I put the note to the side and slowly start to put all my armor on. My armor is unique compared to most of the armor you see. Deep down it is just enchanted netherite armor but I wrapped mine in iron on my right arm and a mixture of gold and iron on the rest of my armor which gives it a dull yellow color. The only reason my right arm is wrapped in iron is because I ran out of gold and I didn't want to go mine for more. So instead I just keeped it iron. Now even though I have more than enough gold to fix it I just decided to keep it iron since it has kinda grown on me.

I grab all my weapons from the ground as well. I have my enchanted netherite sword which is maxed out along with all my other gear. I also have around 5 knives which I scatter across my body. Though I also take the time to check my boot for my other knife which I always keep on my body no matter where I'm going. Feel in my boot to find it right where I left it. I pick up my bow and hang it over my back and attach my quiver to my hip.

My dad had always used a bow so he taught me how to use it when I was really young. Now most people use crossbows but I never really used them. I learnt how to use them just in case I had to but I will always prefer a bow. I remember that Techno was the exact opposite. He always had a preference for the crossbow and straight up refused to learn how to use a bow. So instead of forcing him, my dad just let him use the crossbow which he learnt pretty quickly. Techno was also the one who taught me how to use the crossbow since he promised me it would be way better than my bow. Though I guess he lied cause I still like my bow a lot more.

I look back at where the pile used to be on the floor. Now everything that was once on the floor now rests on my body. I start making my way out of the van and outside. As I make my way out I take note that some of the brewing stands are now being used or looked like they were used recently. I open the front door of the van and step outside. 

The first thing I do is look up to see what time it is. Wilbur said he brought me inside the van at around 11:20am and it was around 1:40pm now so I had been asleep for almost 2 and a half hours. Wow that was probably one of the longest times I had been asleep after a blackout. Then I hear the sound of sword clashing, though the noise is much clearer now that I’m outside. I turn my head towards the noise and find Tubbo, Tommy, and the fox practicing. I had still yet to learn his name. I also didn't know the name of the first person I interacted with but I don’t see them around so I guess that will have to be a question I ask them later.

I walk over to the group of boys practicing. Somehow none of them notice my presence as I stand there and watch them. They were all really focused and I was naturally really quiet so I guess I can get why they didn’t notice me. I watch them for a while, looking over all the flaws in the boy’s fighting. Tommy was pretty good. Not nearly as good as me but he could hold his own against me for a good 5ish minutes. Tommy was also the best out of the three as far as I could tell but not by too much. Tubbo and the fox were pretty equal. So equal that when they fought it mostly came down to luck or accidentally forgetting to cover a vital area. After watching for a few more minutes I wait till after Tubbo loses to Tommy to make my presence known.

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