Ch. 2 | Entrance arc | Time For The Initiation Exam!

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Yang: half way raises her arms, "what? No! Of course I do! I just thought...... I dont know. Maybe it would help you....... break out of your shell.... or something./course I wouldn't mind being on the same team as that hunk."

Ruby: "what the.... ?! I do not need to-" does air quotes, "'break out of my shell' thats absolutely-"

Jaune: "ridiculous!" walks between the sisters while holding a map, looking as if hes confused, "theres no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Wait can I even count that high? No matter. oooohhh why does this have to happen today of all days?"

As he continues to walk around looking at the map, then the lockers. He passes by Weiss and Pyrrha, who are also readying themselves at their own lockers.

 He passes by Weiss and Pyrrha, who are also readying themselves at their own lockers

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Weiss: "so. Pyrrha. Have you given any particular thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be sooo eager to unite with such a strong and well known individual such as yourself."

Pyrrha: "mmmm.... not quite sure yet. I was just planning on letting the chips fall where they need to.

Weiss: "weeell, what about I join up with you? We could make a strong team."

Pyrrha: "well, that sounds just grand!"

Weiss: "great!"

As she said that an image of herself appears behind her as she takes on a scheming pose and forms an almost evil grin, with dark thunderclouds forming behind her.

As she said that an image of herself appears behind her as she takes on a scheming pose and forms an almost evil grin, with dark thunderclouds forming behind her

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Weiss: "this will be just perfect! The smartest girl in class, combined the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can just see it now. We will be sooo popular, celebrities even! We'll get perfect grades...... nothing can come between us now!"

Jaune: comes in between them, interrupting Weiss's evil thoughts, "you know what else would be great? Me, the great Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."

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