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I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing straight into my ear. Groaning, I switched it off. I pushed myself to stand on the floor, folding my duvet.

Just then, my phone buzzed.

Without even glancing at the name, I picked it up with half-opened eyes.




I hissed at the sudden high-pitched voice, which caused a sharp pain in my ear.

"Yah! Rose, why the hell you had to scream in my ear early morning?"

"Sorryy~ Okay listen, today we are starting our dance club! So don't be late, I'm waiting for you..."

"Oh okay! I'll be there then!"


I said and hung up. My face lit up hearing those words.


I felt sudden excitement. Dancing was like a serotonin boost. Quickly rushing towards the bathroom, I bathed, got ready and sprinted towards the kitchen.

"Morning mom, dad, bro!"

"Woah woah, why in a hurry?" Dad asked, glancing me from his book.

"Our dance club is starting today. So I gotta hurry up!"

"Oh~ all the best then!" Mom said, while sipping her coffee.


Withing few minutes, I was done with my bowl of cereal. I hugged mom, before sprinting towards the door.

After running and panting, I finally reached the gate, and saw a long blonde haired girl, waiting impatiently while tapping her feet.


I ran up to her. She gave me quick smile, as we began our steps towards the building.

After a moment of silence, Rose decided to break it.

"Y/n, I wanna tell you something..." she whispered.

"What is it?"

"Actually..." she avoided looking into my eyes, and diverted her gaze to the floor.

"Me and Felix..."

I stopped on my tracks, and widened my eyes.

"What did that asshole do again!? Did h-"

"Shh! No! It's just, he promised to be nice again, and he said he was drunk that day..." she trailed off.

"And you believed that?" I asked tilting my face in confusion.

"I-I just gave him a second chance..." her eyes were glued on the floor, fiddling with her fingers.

I let out a deep sigh.

"Okay. Fine. He accepted his mistake though. And Just because you're happy, I'm leaving him this time. If this shit happens again, I will bu-"

"Yeah! Yeah! I got it!" she held my arm and we started walking again.

I folded my arms and looked at her.

"If he behaves anything wrong with you, I'm there..." I looked at her concerned.

Her gaze softened.

She nodded her head with a light smile. Without wasting further time, we headed towards the dance room.

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