"Fine by me," I chuckled, shaking my head. "Come on."

"Yayyyy," she exclaimed with the raise of her hands up and down. Continuing to laugh, I shook my head.

Entering the room side by side, we found seats in the middle of the classroom.

"So how's the school treating you so far?" She asked as we sat down across from each other. "Anyone I need to punch? I know these guys, they're assholes for real." Her tone was serious, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"No Hunter, they haven't been too bad thank you," I replied with a smile. "About two guys have asked me out but I said no both," my shoulders shrugged. "We'll it was more like 'aye what yo name is, where you from,'" I continued with my best deep voice, imitating them. Hunter laughed at me causing me to laugh with her.

"So is there someone you have your eye on, or were they just ugly and obnoxious?" She asked curiously.

"Both," I laughed, releasing a breath. "But I don't want to say anything too soon so I'll say no one for now." I bit my lip.

"Oop okay then girl, tell me if sum happens I want the deets." Hunter nudged me playfully.

"I will," I chuckled leaning over.

~ Two Weeks Later ~

Sade's POV:

Two weeks into senior year and already things are looking better than my entire last three years combined. Kingston, Aria, and I have been hanging out just about every other day and it's never a dull moment with them. My mom hasn't been on my case about anything lately, and my sisters haven't even been getting on my nerves as much. I'm starting to like it honestly, but I know better. It's just a matter of time, watch.

It's embarrassing, really, how excited I get coming to school these days. More specifically 4th block, I should say. This Lauren girl just does something to me, I don't know. Usually I'm not all that easy to impress, but ever since laying eyes on her, I can't get her out of my head. Not only is she out-of-this-world beautiful, but she's cool as hell to me.

She walked in today wearing black flared yoga pants and a cropped hoodie with her hair in a high messy bun. She looked breathtaking. Her scent came across my nose as she walked to her seat and sat down. 'Hibiscus and Paradise.' If she was a fragrance, that would be her scent.

"Hi," Lauren greeted, looking over at me with a soft smile. My cheeks flushed.

"Hey....cute hoodie."

Sure it was a cute hoodie but I mean everything I've seen her wear has been cute. What I really meant was 'are you single' but I can't say it just yet.

"Thank you love," she responded, but in a tone I couldn't quite read.

Was she picking up what I was putting down? Or just being polite and genuinely thanking me.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" I blurted to her after a moment of silence.

She quickly turned to me, maybe a bit shocked by my abruptness. Oh well, I needed to make some type of move sooner rather than later.

"Nothing...why, what's up?"

"Well, me and some friends are going out to this hangout spot downtown on Friday night. And I was just wondering if you'd like to join us?" I asked, getting a little nervous, but I tried not to let it show.

Lauren gave me a shy smile. "Yeah I'd love to," she chuckled. "Oh can I bring my friend, Hunter? It's just that I don't really know anyone around here except her..."

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